View Full Version : banking bs

12-31-2007, 04:06 PM
thought you guys might want to hear this, btw, i realize the initial overdraft was my fault, not arguing that at all. here goes
okay, so long story short. I have 2 different banks, one is Chase, and I have been totally satisfied with their customer service. Now for the black sheep, National City. Their customer service is terrible. I have had nothing but hell from them. earlier this year they lost $200 ATM deposit and wouldn't fix it, nor could they find it.

here's the story:

at the beginning of December, I accidentally used the card from national city and had 1 over draft. I know, stupid on my part. I dont hardly use the national city, except i have an auto loan through them on my mustang, and the $ is direct debited from the account, so beginning of the month i put a lil over the payment amount in there. now, i'm fine paying the one overdraft fee, since it was my fault and all. i realize that i overdrafted and i put $ in. now, here's the kicker:

i put the $ in on a friday evening when i realized it was overdrafted. I have the actual ATM slip that shows that I put in enough to cover the over draft. it shows a positive account balance (current balance) of $3.96. thinking i was in the clear til the 1st (when my auto loan was due) i didn't put any more $ in until today. so i go there to put in my car payment, and when i ask for the balance, they said $74.xx. I asked to see the statement, and he said you had "x amount of continuous over draft fees" and showed them to me. I said hold on a minute let me go to my car and get the ATM slip showing i was in the positive, thinking this would clear it up.

guy lets me speak to the assistant branch manager, and this woman is really polite, i'm trying not to lose my cool over it. so, basically she tells me that although it stated that i had $3.96 in the account, the "available balance" was still negative. i said, so, why is that? she looks at my receipt and says well you did it with an ATM, so it didn't go in til TUESDAY!!!!! WTF? chase has never done this. as soon as you put $ in there, it's in the account (it shows pending, but they dont use this nazi bank practice). I understand that at some banks that it wont be positive til the next day, but they had SATURDAY to clear out the ATM which is something they told me specifically at that branch that hey do.

I'm fed up with national city, apparently i'm not the only one either. this is ridiculous. if anyone here works for national city, could you PM me and possibly keep me as a customer. i'm so freakin mad i'm going to refinance my auto loan just to get away from national city. i dont want them having any more of my $.

sorry for the long read, i'm one of those people who think if others see this they might steer away from national city. if it's resolved by someone higher up, i'll be glad to keep my loan with them, but otherwise i'm walkin.

fst 5pto
12-31-2007, 05:16 PM
I would close doWn the account and have it directly withdrawn from chase. if you threaten to close it down they also may credit back the fees....

12-31-2007, 06:47 PM
National City is crap. I am glad I got out when I did, sorry about your situation though.

Mista Bone
12-31-2007, 07:14 PM
was with First until CSEA closed my account, been with Chase and I'm happy.

12-31-2007, 08:42 PM
I absolutely hate banks. Back when i had my brain surgery, my finances took a huge dive. I had 3 credit cards go in collections that i'm still working on paying off, and of course my bank account went into the negative. I fought and fought and finally got my balance back to $0....well wouldn't you know it, the bank overdrafts my account $450 to pay on the credit card that i have through them, and they put my account right back into the negative and the overdrafts started racking up. I went down to the branch and told them to stick the card and account up their asses and i'll see them in court.

12-31-2007, 08:47 PM
I went down to the branch and told them to stick the card and account up their asses and i'll see them in court.

And how did that work out for you?

Not being a smart ass, but did you get anywhere with them?

01-01-2008, 05:29 PM
man that story sucks, and i thought mine was bad. i already told them that i will likely go ahead and refinance the vehicle through another bank as well so that they dont get any more of my $. i'm tired of this shit with them.

01-01-2008, 05:45 PM
And how did that work out for you?

Not being a smart ass, but did you get anywhere with them?

Oh hell no, you can't win. They don't care what hardships you've come across that put you in the situation you're in, they just want their money. When i took steps to fix things and got my bank account leveled off, they fucked me again. How can you make payments on a credit card while your bank account is in the negative? If they would've just chilled the fuck out and let me make the payments it would've been settled a long time ago but instead they kept over drafting me until i just gave up. At the time i had a total of a measly $900 in credit card bills that i had over half of in cash to pay, but when they put my bank account in over draft it screwed everything up. Now i've got about 2k worth which is almost all penalties.

01-01-2008, 05:48 PM
Jeeze brotha, I would simply try to escalate as high as you can.

Then, I would call those pesky local news people that do stories about that stuff. See if he/she thinks the banks are being unreasonable and maybe get some action that way.

01-01-2008, 05:54 PM
Yeah we're not talking about thousands in debt. I had 3 credit cards, 2 of which had $300 credit limits and the third was $400. I did this on purpose because i wanted to try to build credit without getting in over my head. Things were going GREAT and my beacon score was in the 700s, then my noodle went crazy and i got 3 months of disability and everything went to shit.

Right now my plan of action is to contact the creditors and talk about a payoff deal when my tax return gets here. Once everything is settled i can tell you this....Fifth Third can EAT MY SHIIIIIT!!! :lol:

01-01-2008, 05:57 PM
So wait I'm confused, if you have to talk to your creditors that means you cant pay your CC bills. Is this a correct assumption? And is this because all of your money that you were going to use to pay those CC bills was taken in fees?

Which branch is your home branch for 5/3?

01-01-2008, 06:06 PM
What I'm getting at is, it is much better for you to go in the hole from your bank, and not your credit card companies.

You have alot more time to fix shit before it posts to your credit history.

01-01-2008, 06:12 PM
So wait I'm confused, if you have to talk to your creditors that means you cant pay your CC bills. Is this a correct assumption? And is this because all of your money that you were going to use to pay those CC bills was taken in fees?

Which branch is your home branch for 5/3?

Yeah i'm sort of speaking in past tense. This is all 3 years in the making. Right now everything is in collections. I opened my account with 5/3 in '99 when there was a branch in Eastgate across from Ponderosa (now Cicis). I was with them in good standings for 5 years before this.

In all honesty, i've been a bit slackish on fixing this stuff...it's just a deep bitter feeling in my gut mixed with a bit of stubborned hard headedness.

The timeline is like this:

'99 i open the bank account

'00 i open a SECURED credit card with a $300 deposit (because i forsaw all this bullshit so i made it small and secured).

'04 my brain starts whackin out, i get a brain biopsy and 3 months of disability making $500 a month to support a family of 3. Everything goes to shit.

11/04 the fiance packs up and takes my kid and leaves me with all the bills and staples in my head

2/05 i take my tax return and pay off EVERYTHING. All the credit cards are paid up and my bank account is leveled off.

5/05 i switch jobs because things have gone to shit while i was on disability. I take a $5 an hour pay cut for 2 months and spend the summer of '05 in an apartment with no electricity. Lack of funds eventually puts everything right back into the negative.

8/05ish, i get a raise and start making good money again. I take a lump of cash to the branch and pay my bank account up to $0. This is the part that really burned me up. I've got direct deposit at work....so every time my check deposits, i lose half of it to cover over drafts. SO i pay it off and expect the following deposit to be a full check and everything should start getting better. My next plan of attack is to start paying off the credit cards (which at the time, i could literally pay off all 3 of them with one pay check). Well, i pay off the bank account, and they over draft the $0 balance to the tune of $450 to pay on one of their cards, and my deposit hits and i'm not only broke but can't pay rent or anything else.

So at this point, right or wrong, i'm sick of dealing with banks and let them close the account. Since then i've been living check by check. There was also a time in the middle of that where i was getting fucked out of child support to my son who was living with me and i was raising. It really is a beautiful story isn't it? :rolleyes:

Today i'm making pretty good money...not enough to just start chopping away at all the bills, but enough that all the other every day bills are being taken care of. My '06 tax refund went towards paying off my car payment so that i had an extra $300 in income a month. It's a baby steps kind of deal. When i do get everything fixed, my bank account is going to be direct deposit and the next day i'm taking all but $5 out of the account and i'm not getting a debit card.

01-01-2008, 06:36 PM
Jeeze bro.

I'm sorry to hear all that. It sounds like at least you have a very clear understanding of what needs to happen, and how to make it happen. Good luck with it all man.

01-01-2008, 06:39 PM
Yeah, gotta get shit taken care off. Shit happens ya know? It wasn't about any kind of financial irresponsibility, just rolling with the punches.

I do however feel an overwhelming urge to take a dump on the door step of every 5/3 branch i drive past :D

01-01-2008, 10:54 PM
I've never had any bad luck with national city, but what I've heard from several friends, they're completely worthless. I'll never bank with them. I did get a check once that was drawn there, so I went to the back to cash it. The lady at the counter was really nice and offered to open up an account for me. I couldn't help but smile and say, no thanks!

01-01-2008, 11:31 PM
5/3 is the worst bank ever. Short version of the story goes. my dad was driving a dump truck and was hit by a semi doing 55mph while he was doing 0mph on 275.(driver of semi fell asleep) after 1.5 years of not really working but still making the house payments. Well settlement time comes and mom and him call 5/3 to get the papers ready that they are comming in to pay off the house. The Amelia branch refused to call up the papers. That is when my paraents called the main office and they told her that they would not do anything to that branch, They ended up having the kroger branch in cherry grove do it. They did it without a hitch.
On another note i also use chase bank since i was 14 and not 13 years later i have no reason to go anywhere else.


Steves LX
01-02-2008, 10:42 AM
We bank with 5/3 and have had some problems in the past with them but have been fortunate enough to clear things up with our branch manager. I learned awhile back to never deposit money thru the ATM with 5/3. The ATM is a day behind the actual bank transactions. One time awhile back we had like 8 overdraft fees for like 30.00 each. Come to find out what they did was bullshit and we were able to get them to reverse them all. I have direct deposit from work. My direct deposit goes in Friday morning after midnight. I go to withdraw some money that Friday morning and look at my balance and it is a couple hundred dollars short. So I call the bank and the lady tells me we have overdraft fees. I say for what and she tells me for 8 items that are for 10.00 or less. I say no way I has direct deposit go thru after midnight. She say the withdrawals come out before the direct deposit's go thru. Then on top of that she tells me we had a check that they sent thru so it wouldn't bounce and thats why the 8 other items were overdrafted. After they sent the check thru my account was negative $1.86. So instead of sending the 8 other items thru and leting the check go and only charging me for one overdraft fee they sent the check thru and charged me for 8 items. And the whole thing of we do withdraws before direct deposits. Its all a BIG TIME BULLSHIT SCAM.

01-05-2008, 09:10 PM
I'm absolutely no fan of National City, I actually used to pedal their equity lines, along with 5/3s. However, ATM deposits are always an iffy thing anyway. Also, deposits which are made after the close of business (not necessarily when the bank closes their doors). At my bank, if I make a deposit after they've balanced... the cash is available for me to withdraw from the ATM. It's also available for checkcard purchases. However, if a check comes through that night... they will not use the deposit to cover it.

So what's the moral of the story? ALWAYS go to the counter to make deposits. ALWAYS get a deposit receipt. ALWAYS get the names of the people you talk to.