View Full Version : SPCA

02-28-2008, 10:28 PM
When I first bought the property out here. There was an older couple who lives down the road, and approached me about selling them some acreage that bordered their property. Being that I had just bought the property, and was planning on boarding 20+ horses I wasn't interested in selling. Shortly afterwards I found out they had been hounding the previous owner also. Well, long story short. Since then they have called the spca on everything they could think of, including muddy pastures for the horses????? I always suspected it was them. But, never pressed the issue until recently. On monday clermont county spca shows up saying theres a report of horses eating trees because they haven't been fed. After seeing the horses all fat, and happy, and realizing the trees that were nibbled on was the bark off the sugar maples. The spca rep. gave me a copy of the complaint complete with phone number. Sure enough it's the same people over, and over. So, to make sure my horses aren't an eyesore to these fine citizens any longer, I'm looking for a 40-50' section of privacy fence, so I can paint it a nice shade of hot pink, or flourescent orange. Doesn't have to be perfect. Matter of fact, the shittier the better. Just something to erect along the fence so these asshats don't have to see the horses, or there nice wooded setting in their cul de sac. Thanks, Mike

Mista Bone
02-28-2008, 10:48 PM
This should be a neighbor rant, atleast the SPCA did their job, now know you have troublesome neighbors.

02-28-2008, 10:56 PM
Yer right. No bad feelings towards the spca at all. Now how about some privacy fence, or concertina wire with floodlights. Gotta watch out for them pesky horses with sugar maples on the brain:rolleyes:

02-28-2008, 11:24 PM
Here is an idea. Go to the local big lots or other discount store and buy every quart of paint they got. Open one and start painting. When that one is empty, open the next one, different color, when that is empty, open the next one, etc etc. till it is all painted. Should be interesting. Call it art and no one can say a word to you.
My father did this with a piece of rental property once. He couldn't afford to paint the house all at once and the building inspector was going to fine him so that is how he did it.

02-28-2008, 11:28 PM
:lol: the fence thing sounds cool:coo1:

02-28-2008, 11:47 PM
Start complaining to the health dept or whoever that you see an odd old man or woman walking about, looking dazed. Old folks need watching too. they might slip on a horse turd and injure themselves.

Mista Bone
02-29-2008, 12:37 AM
Someone might slip on the cat I ran over tonight on Pike across for the $$$$ condos.

Third time he ran out in front of me, I still swerve, but cold pavement and salty roads = flat cat. I hope it was quick end for him, no suffering.

02-29-2008, 07:23 AM
^thats awful!! Poor kitty.
Love Keith's idea on the paint!! Sounds like a sbz painting party to me!!

02-29-2008, 08:15 AM
File a complaint with the police department. I would bet an officer showing up on their door step might help keep them in line.

02-29-2008, 08:33 AM
Here is an idea. Go to the local big lots or other discount store and buy every quart of paint they got. Open one and start painting. When that one is empty, open the next one, different color, when that is empty, open the next one, etc etc. till it is all painted. Should be interesting. Call it art and no one can say a word to you.

I will help you paint for free if you do this.....if only to see the reaction of the pesky neighbor.

02-29-2008, 09:08 AM
Nothing worse than meddling, asshole neihbors!
good luck in EVERYTHING you do that pisses them off!!

02-29-2008, 09:20 AM
lets build the fence and get someone to paint your ass on it. that way when the neighbors see it they will see Mike mooning them all day long.

02-29-2008, 09:26 AM
Hahaha, that's funny Bob! Sorry about the shitty neighbors, but thank goodness the SPCA didn't give you a hard time. Filing a complaint with the police might work, don't know what they would do about false complaints. Of course, that just might make them retaliate. I don't know why people feel the need to be so immature.

02-29-2008, 10:56 AM
Looks like some lawn jobs are in order here :bigthumb

02-29-2008, 06:39 PM
you got any kids??? kids love to paint just get the fence and let the kids paint it! my neighbor did that for one of the ones on our street that kept taking pics of his race car! then he put LOTS of bird feeders on the fence so the birds would shit on there cars when leavening the feeders!!!

02-29-2008, 06:49 PM
Everthing sounds great thanks for all the suggestions:bigthumb First things first though,As soon as it dries up or the ground freezes again. I'll be moving a mountain of manure I have piled up in the treeline. Somewhere around 30-40 bobcat bucket loads. I found the perfect spot;) Can't wait till we get some 80 degree days. It really cures itself and has it's own special aroma:D

02-29-2008, 06:57 PM
I say go ask them why they reported you to the spca. Make sure you are completely polite, let them know it's ok to approach you with any concerns. This way you are letting them know that you know they are calling in false reports, and have the balls to confront them, without being aggressive. It may not hurt to mention that you board a few horses for your freinds and your lawyer.

I would try to handle it with civility before the gloves come off.

02-29-2008, 11:24 PM
I say go ask them why they reported you to the spca. Make sure you are completely polite, let them know it's ok to approach you with any concerns. This way you are letting them know that you know they are calling in false reports, and have the balls to confront them, without being aggressive. It may not hurt to mention that you board a few horses for your freinds and your lawyer.

I would try to handle it with civility before the gloves come off.

Normally I would totally agree. I've walked on eggshells with neighbors concerning the horses for over 25 years. Thats the whole reason I moved from Mason to Amelia. Too many yuppies build a house next to a horse farm,and the following year complain because of the horse shit. This was a boarding stable when I bought it,so I figured it was already operated as such so there shouldn't be any drama.

This couple as with all the neighbors I had weekly conversations with.I really try to be a good neighbor. I've done bobcat work etc.for free. This particular couple are retired, and they have a stay at home asshat for a son. He's 42 and just got a job last year, and lives in there basement. The dad is cool, I cut several trees that fell in his backyard a few months ago, while his son stood on the backporch drank a beer and watched???The wife is the real bitch, and the son is a punkbitch. I actually was going to confront them over this. But, was advised by other neighbors not too because there son is known for keying cars, theft and so on. Not to mention they are sue happy.With my temper,and there past practice of law suits.Nothing good would probably come of the meeting.
Hope they enjoy the smell,and scenery. Having an SPCA van in your driveway every couple of months isn't really good for your business when your boarding horses:rolleyes: