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03-14-2008, 11:24 PM

03-15-2008, 12:22 AM
Wow... now see, I have a bigger problem with this guy than the marine who threw the puppy.

03-15-2008, 12:33 AM
Wow... now see, I have a bigger problem with this guy than the marine who threw the puppy.

The preacher or Obama?

03-15-2008, 07:37 AM
It's just one more attempt for Hillary to try to regain some votes or Mccain trying to figure out how to beat him. I"ve had enough of all this election crap already. We need a president that honors Gods law. We don't have any candidates that have concerns about that! Honor God and the rest will fall into place (war, economy, ect.). That's my serman for the day! lol

03-15-2008, 08:44 AM
I was listening to that on the radio this last week. Just disgusting... I could go on a big rant but I just don't have the time. If we vote this douche in, this country is going to have some big problems to contend with...

03-15-2008, 10:33 AM
The double standard just amazes me.

Just by listening to that fella for 30 seconds it's clear that he is a racist and anti-Semitic amongst other things. But if you listen to Obama's wife she is just as racist. Yet you find an abundance of people supporting this guy and defending what he says.

Now lets flip the tables what if Hillary, McCain's pastor were to make racist remarks.
Ohh my I can't even imagine.

I mean look at the abuse that Rommney took for being mormon. Now people are all upset that people dare bring in the ideas and actions of Obamas pastor Obama doesn't have control of what he says.
Sure he doesn't but he has control of the support he gives him. He was married by him, he baptized his children, Obamas book title is a sermon title he took from white "The Audacity of Hope", Rev. White was the first person Obama thanked when he was elected senator. These fellas are close as close can be. If Obama were to win, I wouldn't put it past him to have Rev. White as the White House Chaplan. Could be good reason Rev. White "retired" a couple months ago.

I have a hard time calling this guy a Reverend, anyone that spews absolute hate for the pulpit does not deserve the title.

Luckily for us McCain is going to win. Sadly he's not who I would choose to put in office, he is far too liberal for the likes of me.
But the democrats seem to spew nothing but hate this election and they have done themselves in.

03-15-2008, 10:40 AM
The double standard just amazes me.

Just by listening to that fella for 30 seconds it's clear that he is a racist and anti-Semitic amongst other things. But if you listen to Obama's wife she is just as racist. Yet you find an abundance of people supporting this guy and defending what he says.

Now lets flip the tables what if Hillary, McCain's pastor were to make racist remarks.
Ohh my I can't even imagine.

Luckily for us McCain is going to win. Sadly he's not who I would choose to put in office, he is far too liberal for the likes of me.
But the democrats seem to spew nothing but hate this election and they have done themselves in.
Couldn't agree more. There is a rediculous amount of reverse racism that goes on in this country but because it's directed at the majority and not the minority, it's ok... :rolleyes: I'm also not a big fan of McCain but hopefully he chooses a good, conservative running mate. Hopefully because of the fierce primary races, the dems will exhaust their campaign budget and not be able to give a 110% effort.

03-15-2008, 11:20 AM
The double standard just amazes me.

Just by listening to that fella for 30 seconds it's clear that he is a racist and anti-Semitic amongst other things. But if you listen to Obama's wife she is just as racist. Yet you find an abundance of people supporting this guy and defending what he says.

Now lets flip the tables what if Hillary, McCain's pastor were to make racist remarks.
Ohh my I can't even imagine.

I mean look at the abuse that Rommney took for being mormon. Now people are all upset that people dare bring in the ideas and actions of Obamas pastor Obama doesn't have control of what he says.
Sure he doesn't but he has control of the support he gives him. He was married by him, he baptized his children, Obamas book title is a sermon title he took from white "The Audacity of Hope", Rev. White was the first person Obama thanked when he was elected senator. These fellas are close as close can be. If Obama were to win, I wouldn't put it past him to have Rev. White as the White House Chaplan. Could be good reason Rev. White "retired" a couple months ago.

I have a hard time calling this guy a Reverend, anyone that spews absolute hate for the pulpit does not deserve the title.

Luckily for us McCain is going to win. Sadly he's not who I would choose to put in office, he is far too liberal for the likes of me.
But the democrats seem to spew nothing but hate this election and they have done themselves in.

I don't know if McCain winning is "lucky" for us, but it'll be better than the other options. Unless he names Fred his running mate, I think I'm still writing Fred in.

03-15-2008, 11:36 AM
The double standard just amazes me.

Just by listening to that fella for 30 seconds it's clear that he is a racist and anti-Semitic amongst other things. But if you listen to Obama's wife she is just as racist. Yet you find an abundance of people supporting this guy and defending what he says.

Now lets flip the tables what if Hillary, McCain's pastor were to make racist remarks.
Ohh my I can't even imagine.

I mean look at the abuse that Rommney took for being mormon. Now people are all upset that people dare bring in the ideas and actions of Obamas pastor Obama doesn't have control of what he says.
Sure he doesn't but he has control of the support he gives him. He was married by him, he baptized his children, Obamas book title is a sermon title he took from white "The Audacity of Hope", Rev. White was the first person Obama thanked when he was elected senator. These fellas are close as close can be. If Obama were to win, I wouldn't put it past him to have Rev. White as the White House Chaplan. Could be good reason Rev. White "retired" a couple months ago.

I have a hard time calling this guy a Reverend, anyone that spews absolute hate for the pulpit does not deserve the title.

Luckily for us McCain is going to win. Sadly he's not who I would choose to put in office, he is far too liberal for the likes of me.
But the democrats seem to spew nothing but hate this election and they have done themselves in.

x3, You said it, couldn't agree more

03-15-2008, 02:53 PM
i wouldn't vote for that shit head if it meant my dick would fall off. this country will go to shit. you can judge people by who they surround themselves with, and last thing i'd want to have is that racist bastard in office. freakin democrats.

03-15-2008, 02:56 PM
The ticket will be McCain/Rommney.
And they will win in 2008.

Even if the "dream ticket" is produced Clinton/Obama or Obama/Clinton.
Though I find that very very unlikely to happen. Hillary would nevertake second best and they have spewed far too much bad blood on each other.
That is the reason they are going to loose. They have been far too focused on bashing each other.
Not that the democratic party needed any help looking bad they only are taking it further and further into the toilet.

03-15-2008, 03:08 PM
It's just one more attempt for Hillary to try to regain some votes or Mccain trying to figure out how to beat him. I"ve had enough of all this election crap already. We need a president that honors Gods law. We don't have any candidates that have concerns about that! Honor God and the rest will fall into place (war, economy, ect.). That's my serman for the day! lol

Umm, how about a President that will honor our Constitution.

03-18-2008, 11:45 PM
I agree. The President isn't a religious leader. That was England before the Pilgrims left. That's what they came to America to escape. This is why The Huckichrist would have been a bad choice. He would have been ignoring the Constitution in order to legislate religion. I'm a Christian, and am totally against that. People need to realize that there is a seperation between church and state NOT to protect government from religion, but to protect religion from government.

04 Venom
03-18-2008, 11:49 PM
I agree. The President isn't a religious leader. That was England before the Pilgrims left. That's what they came to America to escape. This is why The Huckichrist would have been a bad choice. He would have been ignoring the Constitution in order to legislate religion. I'm a Christian, and am totally against that. People need to release that there is a seperation between church and state NOT to protect government from religion, but to protect religion from government.

Well said.