View Full Version : Thieves

04-25-2008, 04:12 PM
So i'm locking up the tool boxes on my work truck today when i notice something is missing. Its 500 feet of welding lead. Someone stole it off my truck last night in my driveway. I wish i hadn't gotten drunk and passed out on my couch. Now i'm setting here typing this waiting on the sherriff to get here so i can have a report for work to turn into there insurance company. Already called and ordered new lead. Take a guess on replacement cost. 1181 dollars. I'd be real pissed if i had to pay that. I'm going to ask the sherriff what i can do if i catch someone doing it again. I'll see if i'm aloud to hold them at gun point. Then just hope they make a break for it so i can shoot there ass. :AR15: I wouldn't even think twice about it or feel bad. I hate low lifes. I'd love to kill some piece of shit like that. Maybe the rest would think about it after reading it in the paper.....but then again i bet they cant read.

04-25-2008, 04:19 PM
I F'in HATE thieves. I swear if murder were legal the few things that might push me to killing someone aside from rape and child abuse are thieves.

04-25-2008, 04:35 PM
I just ask the sheriff what i could do if i catch them in the act. I even ask if i could hold them at gun point. He said he didn't recommend going out blazing my 9 but i could do what needed to detain them. Lets pray they come back.

04-25-2008, 04:51 PM
One time my truck was broken into and they cleaned it out. I called the cops and when he got there he acted like i was wasting his time. They really don't give a damn about petty theft.

04-25-2008, 05:28 PM
Loveland, Tx - shoot the f*ker.

Loveland, Oh - hide in your house and hope they don't break in. :(

Ohio is a duty to retreat State. If you confront a criminal and you end up killing them, YOU can be in trouble with the law. (It is being worked on in the State congress, though).

04-25-2008, 06:08 PM
Yeah the bastards got us a couple of weeks ago. Stole a collapsable baton, BRAND NEW snap on air ratchet that I was replacing for a friend of mine, book of cd's and change...probably some punk kids in the ghetto we call Amelia! Never had to lock my shit up until we moved into this neighborhood...I guess we just supported someones drug habit.

04-26-2008, 12:14 PM

These fucks are stealing everything form LIVE high voltage copper wire, to cast iron sewer grates.

Sadly, it's only going to get worse as scrap values continue to climb.

I took my son's aluminum cans in yesterday to the recycler and they paid .60 a lb.!
I've never seen cans bring this much per pound before that i can remember.

04-26-2008, 01:51 PM
thats sad to man..u kill ur self at 40 plus a week and people come and take it from u its so bad here in va that they are going around stealing cats from under ur ride tell u what let me catch who ever under my car na better yet anywhere taken something of mine that will be the last i had a dude stop by here and ask for a old tin building i had in the back yard told dude yeah this sorry dog took the build my lakewood bellhousing and fresh windsor i had my 3 core rad a 4 speed toploader case and a few other parts and when i calld him to see what they were doing he said i thought it was junk hint the motor wrappd up with the shiny trw's is not junk its mine so i had to go buy my motor back and heres the kicker they only got $14 for my rad was bustd so now im lookin to buy a be cool

04-26-2008, 02:29 PM
this shit is getting bad you should be able to kill there ass on site

04-26-2008, 03:29 PM
Dude someone stole the damn exhaust off my car about a month ago at my old apartment. its bad when you cant even park you damn car and feel good about it.

04-26-2008, 03:50 PM
If there's any type of person in this world i can't stand it's a thief. Sorry to hear about it man but sooner or later justice will be paid to whoever done it in one way or another. Life has it's ways with these sort of things.

04-27-2008, 08:49 AM
If they are in your house you can probably shoot them and get away with it. If they come back, take them by gunpoint in the house. tell them to get on their knees, hand them a hammer, shoot them. Take off one of victims shoes, shut front door, kick front door in, replace victims shoes. Cops arrive. tell cops crazed man kicked in front door and attacked you with a hammer.

04-27-2008, 12:50 PM
^^ Yeah... posting something like that on an open forum is not good and will probably get this thread locked. You *MIGHT* want to edit that.

It would be an open and shut case on your butt. Enjoy 5-10 years in the jail. I'm sure the "victim's" family will take real good care of your house and car(s) after the civil suit, too.

Ohio is criminal friendly. If you want to change it get on your congress critters about the Castle Doctrine.

04-27-2008, 08:21 PM
^^ Yeah... posting something like that on an open forum is not good and will probably get this thread locked. You *MIGHT* want to edit that.

It would be an open and shut case on your butt. Enjoy 5-10 years in the jail. I'm sure the "victim's" family will take real good care of your house and car(s) after the civil suit, too.

Ohio is criminal friendly. If you want to change it get on your congress critters about the Castle Doctrine.

Gee thanks Dad for the advice but no i *WONT* edit it. And remember that's if the bumbling local force can figure it out. It's not all CSI.

04-27-2008, 08:39 PM
I agree. If i catch them i will be detaining them. If they come at me sorry for there luck. I was in fear for my life. If they try to run in the car i will stand in front of it and if they keep coming i will defend my life. Anyway they will be going to jail or looking up at dirt from 6 feet down. Thieves need to learn that there is punishment for there actions.

04-27-2008, 11:03 PM
Gee thanks Dad for the advice but no i *WONT* edit it. And remember that's if the bumbling local force can figure it out. It's not all CSI.

Your choice. I'm just trying to save you a lot of legal headaches. :rolleyes:

I'm not old enough to be your dad, but he sounds like a smart man. :eek::bigthumb

04-28-2008, 07:54 AM
Your choice. I'm just trying to save you a lot of legal headaches. :rolleyes:

I'm not old enough to be your dad, but he sounds like a smart man. :eek::bigthumb

:lol::lol::lol: My entire first post was humorist sarcasm my friend. Don't we wish that could be done. Actually it could be done........shhh.

Daniel sorry to hear about that crap. Hey on a bright note I figured out what that rattle was. It appears it's the bung on my pipe vibrating from inside. Guess I'll take it to someone who knows what the hell their doing. Let us know if you get your stuff back.

04-28-2008, 04:59 PM
I'm not worried about getting it back. It was company stuff and they turned it into there insurance. Anyway, its prob in the scrap yard by now with copper over 3$ a pound. Figured they got about 200 pounds by time they stripped it down. I just hate thieves and would like to kill anyone who takes stuff thats not theres. Lots of anger and talk tho. Like dude says, you kill them you go to jail. Cop did say you can detain them with force. If you need anything tacked up on your exhaust to keep it from rattling let me know. I can take care of it at the house for a beer or 2.

05-01-2008, 09:33 PM
That's why you have 2 guns. One not registered, place it in his hand after you shoot his ass. Self defence. "Yeah officer I was coming out to get something from my van when this crackhead pulled a gun on me...."

Just let someone come into my house and I don't know them. Just remember kids, dead people can't sue. :D

I have handguns all over the house. Easy reach in just about whatever room you're in. Don't have any in the bathrooms yet though! :eek:

05-02-2008, 10:19 AM
That's why you have 2 guns. One not registered, place it in his hand after you shoot his ass. Self defence. "Yeah officer I was coming out to get something from my van when this crackhead pulled a gun on me...."

Just let someone come into my house and I don't know them. Just remember kids, dead people can't sue. :D

I have handguns all over the house. Easy reach in just about whatever room you're in. Don't have any in the bathrooms yet though! :eek:

Hell yeah Lori :bigthumb

05-02-2008, 01:56 PM
That's why you have 2 guns. One not registered, place it in his hand after you shoot his ass. Self defence. "Yeah officer I was coming out to get something from my van when this crackhead pulled a gun on me...."

Just let someone come into my house and I don't know them. Just remember kids, dead people can't sue. :D

I have handguns all over the house. Easy reach in just about whatever room you're in. Don't have any in the bathrooms yet though! :eek:

You don't have kids in the house I hope.:eek:
I'm as "pro gun" as anyone, but we need to be safe, and responsible with our firearms.

05-02-2008, 02:44 PM
:lol::lol::lol: My entire first post was humorist sarcasm my friend. Don't we wish that could be done. Actually it could be done........shhh.

My bad. Sarcasm is hard to read on teh internets without the ol' /sarcasm linker. ;)

And yes, there are many things I would like to do... like two girls at once. :lol:

05-02-2008, 03:42 PM
You don't have kids in the house I hope.:eek:
I'm as "pro gun" as anyone, but we need to be safe, and responsible with our firearms.

Excellent point, and I would love to address that.

I don't have kids, but since you brought it up I'll provide you with some stats.

Other countries have reported higher guns per household (than the US) with the least amount of accidental shootings or any shootings becuase their kids are taught to respect them, use them, clean them, and know the consequences of death they can cause.

As opposed the US where Dad just keeps the mysterious lock box in the closet that you must not ever touch. So what does any kid wanna do? Go touch it, and in the process, shoots his friend.

It's all about how you raise your kids. Having them would not change my habits of keeping them around the house, except maybe to clamp them in cabinets high enough out of reach until they were old enough to be taught to use them.

Also, what I have laying around isn't "fully" loaded, there isn't one in the chamber. So you have to cock it first and turn off the safety. But still loaded enough if needed in a hurry. Never understood the point of having in a lock box where you would have to kindly ask the rapist/burglar/serial killer to wait while you got your gun out.

Mista Bone
05-02-2008, 03:54 PM
I was raised around guns. I knew better than to get into the duffle bag!!!!!!

But unlike most youths, I was taken out and allowed to shoot, so their was no "whats in the box" to get me in trouble. It was more like if one box oh shells was moved, I'm getting the belt!!!!!!

I do remember at one point, dad asked me to go look in the duffle bag to see how much .22 ammo we had for a vacation trip to his moms. I a BIG KID now responsiblity......when I came back I mentioned the Ruger was loaded (Single Six, unmodifed) and I emptied it. He knew right there I could be trusted since I knew to check if any gun was loaded before handling.

Oh yeah, we needed more ammo :)

05-02-2008, 07:11 PM
Exactly my point man. Kids only get into things that are "forbidden".

Check out the stats on DUI, and alcoholism in other countries. Parents raise their kids around it, it's accepted as a normal occurance and so kids don't sneak to get to it because they are brought up around it, have access to it and are taught the responsibilty and consequences that goes along with consuming it.

The same could be said for sex, unwanted pregnancies, and abortions. No other modernized country has the amount of unplanned pregnancies, abortions, and subsidized welfare for parents who fuck up and have multiple unwanted pregnancies.

05-03-2008, 11:10 AM
That may be true. But when you have kids of your own, it's a given that they will have friends, or relatives over at some point, and these kids may know nothing about firearms. Would you be willing to live with the outcome of knowing a carelessly placed firearm fell into the hand of a SMALL child, and the unimaginable happened?

I'm probably more "pro gun" than most people on here, so your preaching to the choir. We can however be responsible without having everything locked away.

My kids and I shoot about 500-800 rounds a week between skeet, trap, rifles and handguns, and we are avid members of a shooting league, so I don't have to worry much about my kids, but their friends are another story...it's an "unknown".
I keep all but 2 firearms locked up in gun safes. I have my handgun of choice on me at all times in, on, or around my house...ALWAYS, and stashed in a proper accessible place is the Mossberg 930 SPX.
So I'm probably one of the last people you want to throw "stats" at, I'm very aware. I was just suggesting if you have children EVER in your home to be cautious as to where you place your firearms, thats all...no preaching was ever intended.

Mista Bone
05-04-2008, 12:27 AM
I wont go into deep detail, yet see your point.

Growing up, a buddy of mine was at a friends house (stashed 12 gauge)......the kid took out his dads 870, knowing the chamber was empty, pointed it at a buddy of mine, click, nothing. My friend not knowing, racked the slide, chambered a round, click, boom, dead.

As a 16 yr he wasn't charged with much, but is still mentally FUCKED 25 years later.

I knew what room (sewing room) dad kept the guns, no friends where allowed in there, EVER.

05-05-2008, 02:08 AM
That may be true. But when you have kids of your own, it's a given that they will have friends, or relatives over at some point, and these kids may know nothing about firearms. Would you be willing to live with the outcome of knowing a carelessly placed firearm fell into the hand of a SMALL child, and the unimaginable happened?

I'm probably more "pro gun" than most people on here, so your preaching to the choir. We can however be responsible without having everything locked away.

My kids and I shoot about 500-800 rounds a week between skeet, trap, rifles and handguns, and we are avid members of a shooting league, so I don't have to worry much about my kids, but their friends are another story...it's an "unknown".
I keep all but 2 firearms locked up in gun safes. I have my handgun of choice on me at all times in, on, or around my house...ALWAYS, and stashed in a proper accessible place is the Mossberg 930 SPX.
So I'm probably one of the last people you want to throw "stats" at, I'm very aware. I was just suggesting if you have children EVER in your home to be cautious as to where you place your firearms, thats all...no preaching was ever intended.

You make good points. I do put things away when I expect guests. But most of them are adults.

05-05-2008, 07:20 AM
You make good points. I do put things away when I expect guests. But most of them are adults.


wow...djom1cincy, I kinda got your thread going another direction...sorry man, I hope you don't have any more problems with punk-ass thieves...I'll shut up now...

05-05-2008, 04:41 PM
Its all good man. I ranted and in good shape now. I've made a cage to go over the replacement welding lead. They can cut the locks if they want it that bad but they will have to work for it now. I've been taking a peak out of the window when i wake up in the middle of the night. I still hope to catch the f,rs if they show up again. On a sad note. I heard a kid killed his little sister with a gun in there house in indy this weekend. The dad thought he had the gun out of reach. There thinking about prosecuting him for wreckless homicide. I think he will suffer enough from just living with what happen. No need for jail time.