View Full Version : Will people learn to drive??!!

05-07-2008, 11:28 PM
I was coming down Orphanage road this morning doing the speed limit of 45 mph. I am almost to the intersection of horsebranch when this stupid driver decides to make the right on red right in front of me. Thank goodness the brakes are up to snuff on the race truck because if I didn't almost lock them up, i would have rear ended her hard. Then she proceeds to speed up to 35 mph. The signs say 45 but she was in no hurry at all. This is a pet peave of mine because I see it so much on this road.

05-07-2008, 11:29 PM
It's always been a dream of mine to own one of those old tank style volvo beaters and just go out and ram the shit out of people when they do stupid shit.

05-07-2008, 11:41 PM
In good weather and bad weather, people will never learn how to drive
and yes a few times i wanted to take my f450 and run the dumb f--ks off the road

road rage ftw

05-07-2008, 11:43 PM
also watch out for the new drivers ie. illegal aliens with driver license

05-08-2008, 07:19 AM
Read an email funny once that said something about installing paint ball guns on cars. When people did stupid shit like that you'd shoot the car. Kinda like a warning system to us drivers out there. Car covered in paint...STUPID DRIVER!

satan jamez
05-08-2008, 08:34 AM
It's always been a dream of mine to own one of those old tank style volvo beaters and just go out and ram the shit out of people when they do stupid shit.

We share that same dream my friend. :lol:

05-08-2008, 08:47 AM
also watch out for the new drivers ie. illegal aliens with driver license

Thats an understatement....I was in Florida and watched a guy get his ranger flipped while coming to a stop and the guy that hit him was an Illegal. The illegal jumped out and ran away. I was going the opposite way and got my truck stopped in the center lane and ran over to help the guy who was hanging upside down in his truck. Scarred the crap out of me, I though I was going to see a horrific site when I got to the guy but luckly he just had a small cut on his arm from the glass and that was all. Got him out and had him sit down just for his safety then emergency services showed up.

A couple of patrons of a store near the scene tried to chase the illegal down but lost him in the underbrush. I heard from the police it happens a lot down there. :mad:

05-08-2008, 10:32 AM
the job i have allows me the privilage to be on the road all day w these dumb people. you wouldnt beleive some of the stuppid sh@@ i see. i am convinced that the BMV must have like 1 day a month when they just had out drivers liscense. no test needed just show up get ur pic taken and you have a valid ID. so stupid.

05-08-2008, 11:05 AM
I spend 2-4+ hours between 8am-6pm driving for work and I am amazed at how many absolute morons we have on the road! Usually they seem to be some punk johnny ricer, soccer mom or some old fogies.

05-08-2008, 09:23 PM
alot of people down here in fla just think they own the road and get killed from being stupid. just in 2 months i have seen 2 ppl sent to hospital from a hell of an accident a porsche got hit from a med duty truck , and the other day an illegal just ran thru a red like nothing was wrong and hit an turning car in the side. and today i almost get hit by a person i swear was on crack or something. you have to be a good driver to survive here in fla for sure.
also i forgot the old ppl who think they are mario andretti who have lead feet

05-08-2008, 09:27 PM
Read an email funny once that said something about installing paint ball guns on cars. When people did stupid shit like that you'd shoot the car. Kinda like a warning system to us drivers out there. Car covered in paint...STUPID DRIVER!

pimp my ride , they started to install a paintball gun on the front under the bumper, but stopped the install of it and did something else but still hell of an idea for those with severe road rage.:smokin: would be fun to use tho

05-08-2008, 10:53 PM
I like the paint ball idea. I think I would run out of ammo quick though. Too many stupid people out there.

Mista Bone
05-09-2008, 02:33 AM
I'd love to have a set of train horns, but I had someone arrested last week for using them at 1 am in my neighborhood.

Myself, next time I'm at a pick-n-pull in Cbus, I'm buying a few Buick/Caddy dual note horns. Louder, sound like a big car.......let I'll only have my wimpy Civic.

Almost totalled it last night, some ricer with a turboed Nissan 240 was RIGHT on my tail on Fields Ertel @ Snider, I slowed for the cut in the pavement, couldn't see his headlight in the rearview mirror he was so close.