View Full Version : What I learned at the dentist office.

05-22-2008, 06:03 PM
After a long and sanguid afternoon in the dentist chair I sit back to reflect on how my visit was and what I learned. Here goes. I know theres alot of people that think Im a useless drunk but screw them. They wont ever be any better. Anyways, I went to my dentist today to have routine cleaning and an extraction of a broken molar. It wasnt bothering me other than a rough edge that I kept biting my cheek with. Although I expected an hour or maybe 2, it turned into an afternoon affair (and not one from Phylis at the Madison either). The end result is that I will be having 2 root canals and 2 porcelin crowns in the next few weeks. I can deal with that. besides, how impressive is it to smile at a woman and show holes in your grill?

So on to what I learned:

1. My hygenist has a thin neck that I could snap with one hand and chicken legs. Ive heard guys say (and Ive said it myself) that "I would break that chick in half". Now I truely know what that means.

2. She (the hygenist) wears nice perfume. I guess thats to put horny guys like me into a mental tizzy and not think about all the noises emminating from the dremel looking thing stuck in the mouth. Needless to say, when I closed my eyes, I had visions of my early twenties when I used to frequent the titty bars in Newport and Covington.

3. On a good note, she has the most amzing eyes. Deep blue framed with blonde hair thats either natural or not showing roots. I could fall into those eyes and spend eternity.

An hour of rooting and digging and a polish, Im off to the waiting dentist to discuss my two messed up toofers.

4. My dentist is about as understandable as chinese stereo instructions. Thats ok, she has a sweet spanish accent that belongs on a pornstar. Im sure that it will resurface in me wet dreams sometime in the near future. Im a sucker for a woman with an accent.

5. She has a nice ass. Everytime she turned to get a new pick or gause, I would turn to grab a quick look. Couple this ass with the accent and I was putty in her hands. Im saying that she could have stuck an ice pick through my ear and I wouldnt have noticed.

6. Nitrous is good. medical grade that is. I was huffing to my hearts content.Nothing soothes the savage beast like a good hit on the laughing gas. I found that its looked down upon to reach over and crank the regulator to full. Like I cared at that point. I was so far away in LA LA Land that I couldnt be reached for comment.

7. She has nice boobs. Perfect round melons of joy hanging towards the floor as she leaned over to inspect her work. I was in heaven. (at least I thought I was) At some point I think she noticed my eyes not being directed towards the ceiling or she elt a hot draught of my breathing because she adjusted the low cut blouse and covered the sweater puppies for good.

The only bad thing I learned at the dentist office is that under no circumstances is a stiffy approved of. Not only by the dentist and her assistant, but by the patient (ME!) when trying to sit up at the end to rinse. A mmans body just isnt meant to bend like that without massive amounts of pain sent right to the bannana and apples.


Have a good day!

05-22-2008, 10:32 PM
I have to admit it Kevin ,I usually just skip the long dragged out rants but I must say ,you never let me down !
P.S. All Nitrous is good !!!!


05-22-2008, 10:41 PM
I need my teeth fixed also. Wheres this Chica dentist at?:)

05-22-2008, 11:43 PM
I need my teeth fixed also. Wheres this Chica dentist at?:)

X 2.... Well, mine aren't in any pain but I should probably address them... Root canals aren't any fun... I would rather have my wisdom teeth pulled 3 times than go through a single root canal... ;)

I know one thing, I was on the nitrous stuff for my wisdom teeth and I was getting to the giggle point but as soon as I heard the "sound effects" of my teeth breakin' loose, that giggle quickly went to a desperate whimper for help... LOL!

Black Horse
05-23-2008, 07:11 AM
Thanks Kev...I need to change dentists...I keep finding the guys with the hairy knuckles.

04 Venom
05-23-2008, 08:36 AM
Now THAT was worth reading.

05-23-2008, 06:09 PM
Men are pigs. Never once have I ever gotten the "tingle of excitemnt" over my dentist.....or my gyno!
But the hairstylist......that's a different story!:D

Disclaimer: Lori, I did NOT mean your sister!

05-24-2008, 06:24 AM
Men are pigs. Never once have I ever gotten the "tingle of excitemnt" over my dentist.....or my gyno!
But the hairstylist......that's a different story!:D

Disclaimer: Lori, I did NOT mean your sister!
Ive never gotten a tingle from my proctologist either but thats another story.

05-24-2008, 08:11 AM
I use to hate dentist. Thanks mom & dad!! But the one we have now is really cool. Luckily I found an ortho just as cool. Root canals are awful!! I've had one and it put me in the hospital for a week. Turns out it was MS but I didn't know that at the time. Yeah, my fear was validated!!
Good luck with that!!

05-25-2008, 12:13 PM
Ive never gotten a tingle from my proctologist either but thats another story.

05-27-2008, 02:15 AM
Men are pigs. Never once have I ever gotten the "tingle of excitemnt" over my dentist.....or my gyno!
But the hairstylist......that's a different story!:D

Disclaimer: Lori, I did NOT mean your sister!

LOL, That's not what she said!!!!:eek: