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06-17-2008, 08:20 PM
This really sucks but, It really happened! As most you know I am married to Paul. Well Saturday he got really pissed off at me and went down and made a false report on me. He told the police that I had threatened him. I would tell you if I did but, this was totaL BULLSHIT! I never said a word to him about harming or hurting him. He was pissed and as he left the house he looked at me and said (I WILL FIX YOU) and indead he did. I was highlighting my hair and as I got done with it, someone was knocking on the door. I looked out the door and to my supprise there was a sherriff at the door. I opened the door and said can I help you? He replied yes mam, you need to come with me. I was shocked. I asked him what this as all about and he said " your husband has sworn out a warrant for your arrest". I said you must be joking. He was not! I got arrested Saturday night and did not get out until my bond hearing on Monday. That was the worst thing I have ever went through in my live. I am so Pissed off at him right now. I have not talked to him cuz I do not feel the need. He told my famliy that he was sorry that he lied about this but sorry does not cut it right now.He really wants to work this out but how in the hell could he pull that shit? I have decided not to go home for now if ever. I am staying at my aunts house. This is just truly unbelievable. So I will stop ranting for now but if anyone reads the journal and sees my name in it, that is why. GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d:

06-17-2008, 08:23 PM
WOW !!!!!!!!! I can never understand why some spouses do things like that!!!!!

06-17-2008, 08:23 PM
he could get in trouble for that.. now its your turn to fix him, but all you guys would be doing is costin your self money.

Pops Fun
06-17-2008, 09:31 PM
Sorry to hear that. Good luck!! I don't think I could stand that!!

Well if there is anything you need call!!

Thoughts and prayers.


06-17-2008, 09:35 PM
Divorce him.

06-17-2008, 09:45 PM
Wow Tracy. That sucks. So..what was it like? I have never been in the big house before. Do you have a girl friend now named Bubba?? LOL JFWY!!!
Hope it all works out one way or another.

06-17-2008, 10:07 PM
It really sucks. They treat you like shit. I was really upset. The minutes felt like days. I don't know how people do it, that have long sentences. I would never make it. Call me a sissy but that was one of the most degrading things I have ever had to do in my life. And to answer your question Keith, I have managed to stay straight. LOL

06-17-2008, 10:52 PM
He made a false statement and they wont do a thing to him at all. Not that they can't, they won't. Now, as for you, they will drop the charge and you will go on ur marry way. The only bad thing is, that charge that they got u with will have to be taken off for a fee which is $50. I know it sucks, but thats the way it is .

06-17-2008, 11:40 PM
Oh Tracy, I'm so sorry. I can't believe it, you guys love each other so much, that's apparent. I hope you guys can work through this, you both are great people. Call me if you need to talk girlfriend.

06-18-2008, 04:02 AM
Tracy you got my number and a place to lay your head, just hope you can stand the boys, if you need it! Wish you the best girl!:(

06-18-2008, 05:27 AM
I drovepast your place and saw the cop there and wounderd what was going on
that sucks

06-18-2008, 07:46 AM
well.... I'm not sure what to say... Want me to kick him in the junk today? :D

06-18-2008, 07:51 AM
Tracy, that is horrible!! I'm sorry you went through that. Hope it all works out as it's suppose to in the end.

06-18-2008, 07:52 AM
Damn Tracy! And I thought you guys never argued. I hope it works out for yall, the single life sucks!

06-18-2008, 08:57 AM
Damn Tracy! And I thought you guys never argued.

Ditto! They always seem like the "perfect couple". Sometimes you hit a few bumps in a relationship.

I hope it works out for yall, the single life sucks!

Ditto again! You guys have been together for so long!

06-18-2008, 08:57 AM
Divorce him.

Why would you say that?:rolleyes:

06-18-2008, 09:00 AM
If you have to go to jail because of the SOB, you should have at least shot him in the junk first to make it worthwhile. I would NEVER live with the F**ker again. What will he do next time he gets "pissed off? Wow, what a man!! I'm not impressed.

06-18-2008, 09:10 AM
So who is this guy?? Is he a member here?? I dont agree with what he done at all, but atleast he had enough respect not to hit you or anything like that. There's alot of women that dont get lucky enough to just spend the night in jail....and end up spending multiple days in the hospital. Seems like anymore you hear it more and more about some scumbag beating the shit out of his wife/girlfriend. Goodluck with whatever you decide to handle it...Hope everything turns out for the best!

06-18-2008, 09:48 AM
Ditto! They always seem like the "perfect couple". Sometimes you hit a few bumps in a relationship.

Falsely reporting an incident to get your significant other arrested is far from a bump in a relationship.

It's derived from nothing more than malice. Which clearly shows an extremely large under lying problem.

Don't know them, but sorry she needs to cut and run. If she goes back to him she can only expect more problems that get even worse. If she goes back he will have won and see what he can get away with the next time.
And she will be just as much to blame as he is for the next incident.

06-18-2008, 09:51 AM
Wow, I don't know what to say...:eek:

06-18-2008, 10:08 AM
Thats one of the most fucked up things I've ever heard.

Me and my girlfriend are one of the most unhealthy couples on the planet, and somehow we've been able to avoid police interaction.

06-18-2008, 10:08 AM
Falsely reporting an incident to get your significant other arrested is far from a bump in a relationship.

Unless they have had previous problems in their relationship and this isn't the first time, I think it's just a bump. If this kind of stuff has been going on for years, it's a problem. I love Tracy and Paul, they are great people, and I'm not sticking up for him by any means, but if this is an isolated incident, I wouldn't throw away everything over it.

Don't know them, but sorry she needs to cut and run. If she goes back to him she can only expect more problems that get even worse.

So if they have been together for almost twenty years and this is the first time anything like this has happened, she needs to just run away and divorce him? Sorry, I disagree. I don't agree AT ALL with what Paul did, but this is Tracy and Paul's life, not ours, and she doesn't need us telling her what she should and should not do. We just need to support her in whatever decision she makes. Yes, getting arrested is a little drastic, but it's not like he beat the shit out of her and she's in a hospital bed, or he tried to kill her, like we read about in the paper every day. I've spent time with them together (recently), and they always seemed so happy.

I dunno, there may be A LOT more to the story that she doesn't want to talk about, that's her decision.

I'm just going to shut up, like I said, I think they are both good people (from what I know of them), and this is their life. We support each other, not tell each other what to do (believe me, I'd have plenty of people trying to tell me what I should and should not do after Vinny passed away, it was annoying).

Tracy, I'm here for you whatever you decide to do girlfriend. ;)

06-18-2008, 10:14 AM
I say us eastsiders go tat up the road in front of his house!:evilgrin:

A little noise and smoke intervention! :lol:

06-18-2008, 10:30 AM
While I hate to see people get divorced (especially if there are kids in the picture) I would hate to see what else he could be capable of.

06-18-2008, 10:49 AM
kicking somebody out of the house is a bump.

Calling this a "bump" is like calling the Titanic a small incident..

What a pussy...

06-18-2008, 11:08 AM
the single life sucks!

I love it!:D

My ex wife kicked me in the face on a staircase one night. I didnt hit her or call the cops. Difeerent people do different things though.

06-18-2008, 11:44 AM
WOW !!!!!!!!! I can never understand why some spouses do things like that!!!!!

It's usually just the controlling ones that realize they are losing control. They pull this kind of sh!t to try to show they still have you by the "balls". Good luck with it, best bet is to get away from it all....:AR15:
As for the hitting thing, my ex threw a combo on my @ss one night, and to be honest it made me love her even more lol. I would never, nor have I ever hit a woman, but boy did she knock me for a loop lol, do what you feel is right but dont sacrifice yourself just to "make things easier"....

06-18-2008, 01:57 PM
While I hate to see people get divorced (especially if there are kids in the picture) I would hate to see what else he could be capable of.


And if she didn't want our advice and/or input, she wouldn't have posted. So as usual, we voice ours!

Black Horse
06-18-2008, 02:11 PM
Nothing like a false charge of Domestic Violence to get ones spouse removed from the household! No use arguing who is right or wrong in the courts...they dont want to be responsible for being wrong and having a larger crime on their hands.

Good luck, follow your heart and do what is best for yourself.

06-18-2008, 03:26 PM
And if she didn't want our advice and/or input, she wouldn't have posted.

I talked to Tracy today for quite awhile, the reason she posted this is because Clermont County puts out the Community Journal which lists your name and what you are arrested for, every week, and she wanted to tell her side of the story and people to not make ASSumptions. :lol:

06-18-2008, 03:55 PM
Unless they have had previous problems in their relationship and this isn't the first time, I think it's just a bump. If this kind of stuff has been going on for years, it's a problem. I love Tracy and Paul, they are great people, and I'm not sticking up for him by any means, but if this is an isolated incident, I wouldn't throw away everything over it.

So if they have been together for almost twenty years and this is the first time anything like this has happened, she needs to just run away and divorce him? Sorry, I disagree. I don't agree AT ALL with what Paul did, but this is Tracy and Paul's life, not ours, and she doesn't need us telling her what she should and should not do. We just need to support her in whatever decision she makes. Yes, getting arrested is a little drastic, but it's not like he beat the shit out of her and she's in a hospital bed, or he tried to kill her, like we read about in the paper every day. I've spent time with them together (recently), and they always seemed so happy.

I dunno, there may be A LOT more to the story that she doesn't want to talk about, that's her decision.

I'm just going to shut up, like I said, I think they are both good people (from what I know of them), and this is their life. We support each other, not tell each other what to do (believe me, I'd have plenty of people trying to tell me what I should and should not do after Vinny passed away, it was annoying).

Tracy, I'm here for you whatever you decide to do girlfriend. ;)

I guess this is where our thought processes differ. If my significant other SWORE out a warrant on false accusations to get me arrested. There are serious problems no matter how happy they may seem on the outside. In this case they seem to lie deep inside him.

It's not like it's a surprise she was going to get arrested if he swore out a warrant. He knew what was going to happen to her, knowing full well his sworn statement was false. That is MALICE no question.

I can see no reason for malice to be a part of any loving relationship I am going to be a part of. No thank you.

If she wants to stay with him that is her choice, but I deal with this crap everyday and every time I come back the female is hurt worse than the last time, so maybe I am a little jaded. We aren't talking about a little argument here, he intentionally went to get her arrested over a lie. That arrest will have a lasting effect on her for the rest of her life. Not only emotionally but socially or even aspirations for a job in the future.
So she's found not guilty. Guess what the charge and ARREST are still are on her record. Sure she can take years and spend thousands to get it ex sponged but guess what she carries an arrest record of the rest of her life over a lie.

Personally I wouldn't want anything to do with the liar that put me in that situation.

06-18-2008, 04:01 PM
Nothing like a false charge of Domestic Violence to get ones spouse removed from the household! No use arguing who is right or wrong in the courts...they dont want to be responsible for being wrong and having a larger crime on their hands.

Good luck, follow your heart and do what is best for yourself.


pm sent

06-18-2008, 04:36 PM
Honestly to me....no matter how long I had been with someone or how great it was...

I could no longer be with them....

I would no longer be able to trust someone who went all the way to the police station to falsify a report and have the warrent put out on me....all just to get back at me for a fight....

Me personally I couldn't do that....I don't feel that I should be with someone when they don't care about the consequences of their actions.

What he did was petty.

04 Venom
06-18-2008, 05:11 PM
What he did was petty.

More to the point, filing a false police report is a criminal offense.

06-18-2008, 05:27 PM
not knowing either of you guys, i'd say if you're telling the truth you should leave that asshole. what a bunch of shit. i hope it ends there. that is some psycho bullshit. my ex threatened to have me arrested for stuff i didn't do. she assaulted me one night while she was drunk and to keep her off of me i kind of tried to push her on the bed, well in her drunken state she slammed into a night stand and cut herself. she threatened to call the police, so i just bolted.

06-18-2008, 05:38 PM
If you put up with something like that your crazy! Obviously he will go to extremes when he's pissed and the days you spent in jail prove that.
I've been married 21 years to my high school girlfriend and would spent a year in jail before I would let my wife see 30 seconds behind bars. As men were supposed to protect you not put you in harms way, humiliate you, or degrade you. "Sorry guys but i'm trying to help her here".

P.S. Never repeat any of what I just said to my wife. She thinks Im a hardcore ex-marine. Gotta keep up the image ya know? :jawdrop:

06-18-2008, 05:54 PM
I've totally been in the same situation. It sucks and there's nothing you can do about it. And if you do stick around, you better be really careful. Now that there is already one on your record, if he call's again, it will be WAY worse. And they will never believe you didn't do anything.

06-18-2008, 06:11 PM
ill put this under the reason not to get married. by the way the single life rocks.

06-18-2008, 06:28 PM
Everybody has an opinion on everything. If you post anything up on an open forum it's going to get those opinions. I think everyone is just telling her what they would do in the same shoes.
So sorry this happened to her.

06-18-2008, 08:44 PM
I really do appreciate everyone's input. I have no idea what I am going to do. For now I am just staying at my aunts. Thank you everyone for caring. stangbangerz is truly a great family and you all help me to keep my sanity. I have gotten some really nice text messages, phone calls, and PM's. You guys and girls ROCK!!!! Thank you again!!!!

06-19-2008, 12:20 AM
This really sucks but, It really happened! As most you know I am married to Paul. Well Saturday he got really pissed off at me and went down and made a false report on me. He told the police that I had threatened him. I would tell you if I did but, this was totaL BULLSHIT! I never said a word to him about harming or hurting him. He was pissed and as he left the house he looked at me and said (I WILL FIX YOU) and indead he did. I was highlighting my hair and as I got done with it, someone was knocking on the door. I looked out the door and to my supprise there was a sherriff at the door. I opened the door and said can I help you? He replied yes mam, you need to come with me. I was shocked. I asked him what this as all about and he said " your husband has sworn out a warrant for your arrest". I said you must be joking. He was not! I got arrested Saturday night and did not get out until my bond hearing on Monday. That was the worst thing I have ever went through in my live. I am so Pissed off at him right now. I have not talked to him cuz I do not feel the need. He told my famliy that he was sorry that he lied about this but sorry does not cut it right now.He really wants to work this out but how in the hell could he pull that shit? I have decided not to go home for now if ever. I am staying at my aunts house. This is just truly unbelievable. So I will stop ranting for now but if anyone reads the journal and sees my name in it, that is why. GGGGRRRRRRR!!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::ma d:

Welcome to what women have been doing to men for years. I'm actually surprised they did anything at all. The law that forces one jurisdiction to recognize another jurisdiction's protective order is even called the National Violence Against Women Act. My ex-wife used to call anonymously to say she witnessed "this guy threatening a woman" so she couldn't be charged with filing a false report.

Why do the judges sign these warrants? What judge wants to be the judge that doesn't sign the warrant, and have someone turn up dead.

Mista Bone
06-19-2008, 12:32 AM
Boy, oh boy I'd like to turn this upside down. Sorry if you cannot follow my thoughts, but it is for the good of the lady, untamed.

/me tries my hand at being Dr. Phil or Dr. Drew Pinsky.

Taking that first step to speak out is very hard for 99.9% of the battered women. It may not be in the form for physical abuse, but verbal and mental.

Tracy, I don't know you, we might have meet at a SBZ gathering at some point, but yes there are two sides to every story. Contact local groups, likely if your the abused your best bet is to move on.........something most battered women fear, and why they stick around.

Sorry, if all my heartfelt ramblings don't get though, but after I'd lost everything and working on a soup line at a YWCA soup line, and being a person a battered women could talk too.........

Lets talk humble..........

06-19-2008, 01:00 AM
Huh? Two sides to the story and it seems like you're assuming them both. Did she say she was abused or battered and I just missed the post?

06-19-2008, 01:01 AM
Black92lx is right.....im in the academy right now...that will stay on ur record forever...it will cost a fee as i stated in my earlier post. sucks, but true.

Mista Bone
06-19-2008, 01:57 AM
Huh? Two sides to the story and it seems like you're assuming them both. Did she say she was abused or battered and I just missed the post?

Takes alot for a battered woman to speak out, just her post alone is key about speaking out for help.

Hardcore, really, sit back and think about this issue with what your dad went thru, down to the core it's not any different.

Fuck it, I shall speak my mind!!!!!!!!!

Beaten and abused females are too fucking scared to speak out, they cower in fear what might happen with retalitaion. like you father!!!!!!!!

I've made my point and stand behind it, that can never be changed.

06-19-2008, 07:42 AM
Dude, she never claimed or even hinted that she's been beaten or absused. I just went and re-read her posts just to make sure I'm not being an idiot. Why would you assume this? If a guy posted her story, whether they said it or not a lot of people would be thinking, "I wonder what the real story is?" You take it a step further and make even more assumptions than what she claims. I don't know her, but I'll certainly take her at her word, that she never threatened her husband and he did this out of spite. That, however, is still a long way from beating and abusing. I'm just trying to figure out where you came up with the assumption.

I've been there. My ex-wife attacked ME and then had her new husband call and anonymously report that "there's a guy beating up a girl outside." Now I'm a big guy and she didn't hurt me, but still, it's the point. I had cop cars sworm around me and hold me standing in the freezing rain for an hour before they decided I wasn't guilty and send me home. Hell, she even told them I pulled a gun on her. So, no gun... story wasn't adding up... she was hysterical and I was calm despite being held in cuffs... they finally decided the claim wasn't true and sent me home. The next day, guess what. She went down and swore out a warrant and had me arrested anyway.

Cost me $1000 bond, and $1000 for the lawyer to even get me the $1000 bond. They wanted house arrest on top of that. I had to hire 3 lawyers: one for criminal court, one for the civil protection order, and one for custody court because she filed emergency motions in KY too. In the end, the judge didn't believe her and aquitted me. Having lost the criminal case she gave up on the others. The whole thing cost me over $10,000 and 6 months of not getting to see my daughter. Having spend so much money, I'd gotten behind on child support. THAT led to my getting arrested on my way to the Pinks party down at Modular Depot, and eventually being convicted for Failure to Pay Child Support.

Now, whether they'll say it or not, there will be some people that read this and wonder if I really did beat her up. I don't get how you can read hers and assume that he beat her up when she didn't even claim it. Oh, and what happened to untamed is absolutely nothing like what happened to my father. What are you even talking about?

06-19-2008, 10:32 AM
Wow. Fuck getting married. I hope it all works out for ya.

06-19-2008, 10:56 AM
Sometimes you have to excuse Mista. He gets quite intoxicated at times and comes on here and makes alot of post and at times, dont make alot of sense. I'm not real sure if he lets the transmission fluid get to his brain or what, but you just have to overlook alot of stuff, lol! I think he is trying to say that all this is mental abuse. Not so much that her husband hit her or caused any physical harm, but mentally had her in a mess. Then again, who knows exactly what he's talking about!

06-19-2008, 11:01 AM
who knows exactly what he's talking about!

Thats the truth. It's the late night/early morning posts, gotta watch out for the Mista Bone beer rants.

"Rasberries columbus 67mpg 13 second Civic cheetos"

06-19-2008, 12:09 PM
I'm really sorry this happened to you!! I get what mista was saying. Yes it wasn't physical abuse but it's sure as hell mental abuse. I know that would mess me up! I think it's amazing how eveyone on here has let her know you support her. I know she'll figure it out in time, and take as much time as you need! Don't make any hasty decisions. That way you'll know your doing the right things. I'll be thinking about ya! Hang tough!

06-20-2008, 12:14 AM
Mental abuse is just as detrimental and damaging as physical abuse. Too place someone you supposely love in jail by filing a false report is a good sign of some underlying mental and anger issues. By placing her in a jail with a false Police report is his way of teaching her a lesson as to what can happen when she doesnt do or see things his way.

On the law enforcement aspect once the complaint is made you have to do something even if for liabilty reasons only. Too many law suits to chance it and when faced with the decision of deciding who's telling the truth you go with who called. If you make the decison not to arrest either party then you could also be assuming liability if something does happen.

06-20-2008, 12:30 AM
Here, I feel obligated to inform you of what to do. CUT AND RUN. Relationships have their bumps here and there. Like missing your first child's birth because you're in Iraq fighing sand ******s (dune coons if you want to be politically correct). Thats a bump. Doing a bump here and there....that could be bump too if your significant other ain't cool with it. Blowing $8,000 on parts that don't signifcantly reduce your e/t (like my driveline and suspension)...thats a bump. My wife gets me ARRESTED!!!, and she can kiss her ass good bye....I'm cuttin' my losses.

Mista Bone
06-20-2008, 01:14 AM
Sometimes you have to excuse Mista. He gets quite intoxicated at times and comes on here and makes alot of post and at times, dont make alot of sense. I'm not real sure if he lets the transmission fluid get to his brain or what, but you just have to overlook alot of stuff, lol! I think he is trying to say that all this is mental abuse. Not so much that her husband hit her or caused any physical harm, but mentally had her in a mess. Then again, who knows exactly what he's talking about!

Thats the truth. It's the late night/early morning posts, gotta watch out for the Mista Bone beer rants.

"Rasberries columbus 67mpg 13 second Civic cheetos"

Sorry you two, I was sober, notice the decent spelling :flipoff:

My exwife when we were still married had two friends that were abused, how I ended volunteering at their shelter. I know, try not to get in the middle, but I was raised better than to let anyone, mostly women get abused.

Worse is having the abusive ex BF show up on my doorstep, 1/2 drunk....not drunk enough as that alumiun softball bat HURT him, then the cops got there.

Oh yeah, he was just rearrested for something, saw it on the news this week. He did 10 years in jail for kidnapping a Madeira cop in 1991, very agressive.

06-20-2008, 01:41 AM
I didnt hit her or call the cops.


06-20-2008, 10:23 PM
now u know the bullshit men have been going thru for generations...... women are great , :cool1: they hump your best friend, the judge grants them custody and then the new guy moves in and pets your dog... cant beat it,, best of all the guy gets hit with 50 percent of his paycheck for child support that never goes to the kids... Kevin

06-21-2008, 03:22 AM
Marriage is the only contract where only one party can completely violate it's terms and willl still be favored by the law. Usually, the favored party is the one in possession of the Magic Vagina.

Mista Bone
06-21-2008, 04:00 AM
contracts are meant to be broken.....

06-22-2008, 10:28 AM
now u know the bullshit men have been going thru for generations...... women are great , :cool1: they hump your best friend, the judge grants them custody and then the new guy moves in and pets your dog... cant beat it,, best of all the guy gets hit with 50 percent of his paycheck for child support that never goes to the kids... Kevin

Thanks for your input!

06-23-2008, 06:19 PM
I suppose you guys have managed to keep your fighting under the covers, so to speak. No one is ever as happy as they seem. I could not take him back if it were me, I don't care what he says or how much he apologizes, I would be better off alone then with this nut! I hope you have the courage and self-worth to leave this loser alone.

06-23-2008, 06:58 PM
I'd be willing to bet that she's not looking for advice from anyone on here. The only reason she said anything was to keep the chatter down to a minimum and you guys have literally started piecing together all the little details of her relationship with your imagination. Give it a rest and let her take care of her business.

06-23-2008, 08:03 PM
I'd be willing to bet that she's not looking for advice from anyone on here. The only reason she said anything was to keep the chatter down to a minimum and you guys have literally started piecing together all the little details of her relationship with your imagination. Give it a rest and let her take care of her business.

So very well put! :bigthumb

06-23-2008, 08:13 PM
However it turns out, I hope in the end your happy. Hang in there girl:bigthumb

06-24-2008, 03:35 PM
I'd be willing to bet that she's not looking for advice from anyone on here. The only reason she said anything was to keep the chatter down to a minimum and you guys have literally started piecing together all the little details of her relationship with your imagination. Give it a rest and let her take care of her business.

Great post.

Good luck untamed. Hope everything works out for the best.

06-24-2008, 06:07 PM
This has been hard, but everything will be alright in time. Thanks everyone.