View Full Version : Fat kids with fat mouths

08-11-2008, 07:31 PM
So my wife and I are at cheerleading with our oldest daughter, and our 4 year daughter loves to go up there and think that she's cheerleading too. We sit with a group that also has children our childrens' age, and my wife is good friends with one of the ladies. Well this lady's little 4 year old girl, she isn't quite little, is always stuffing her fat face with candy and cookies. Fine, you don't care if your kids make oompa loompa's look slim and trim. The problem comes when this lady is always telling her kid not to give any to my diabetic kids. I mean diabetic management is good these days, but it's hard for the insulin to keep up with Oreo's. So after a few weeks we break this habit of them giving crap to our girls, particularly our 4 year old. So today this little piece of pig fat starts teasing my little girl and her mom says nothing. So, trying to stay tactful I remind her Taryn can't have any. This little bitches' response...."I don't care." I had to leave before I made a spectacle of her and her fat mom. At least the medicine is working to keep my kids alive everyday. Little pieces of white trash like that don't have any where close to money required to fix obesity and broke face syndrome. The only thing that kept me civil was the fact that my wife has been friends with this kid's mom for 20 years. I should have told the mother I could hear her kid getting fatter over the obnoxious chomping sound of those porky cheeks.

I decided to write it down here instead.

08-11-2008, 07:47 PM
that sucks man, i hate parents who let their kids do whatever they want without any consideration for others...

08-11-2008, 10:38 PM
IMO it is simply child abuse to let your kids get that f-ing fat. It blows my mind to see some family feeding their chunky kids fast food, pop, etc. with no regard for their health. So what if your kid whines because he can't eat two happy meals - he'll thank you later in life when he doesn't have self-esteem issues from being a chunky teenager/adult. My parents watched every damn thing that I ate growing up, because I had a tendency to eat all the wrong things and my extended family was overweight. I seriously thank them for it now. Now it's my own fault I'm chunky. :lol: Seriously though, working 5+ yrs in the restaurant industry got me completed disgusted by the extreme lacking of parenting and general disregard for the health of these children. Excluding some rare cases, there is no excuse for a child to be that damn fat! Rant over - didn't plan to hijack your thread, very sorry to hear about your experience. I would have blown up!

08-11-2008, 10:53 PM
Good hi jack though.

08-11-2008, 11:10 PM
yeah i woulda told her mother about it nicely then when she blew up i'd made the fat bitch cry :lol: