View Full Version : CJ Pony Parts....Plz help me out SBZ

10-06-2008, 06:48 PM
:AR15::mad: Okay so on Sat or Sun I accidentally threw away a stupid 20% off coupon for CJ Pony Parts and my bf wont quit bitching at me about it.... he just tried to find it because he was going to order some stuff tonight and I guess I must've thrown it away because he put it in my GROCERY COUPON folder... :confused: (which is somehow my fault- and turned into a huge ass deal, yes, I know?!)

Anyway, does anyone on here have a coupon lying around? I think it came in the catalog or whatever but it would solve a lot if I could have the code to use it. I kind of need it asap, Idk if CJ does next day shipping like Summit racing does, but we need the stuff shipped this week so it's sort of imperative that it gets ordered. :(

I would really appreciate it if some of you could check to see if you have one in your catalog or somewhere else, if you don't plan to use it.... You can pm me if you can hep me out. Thanks a bunch. :)

10-06-2008, 08:08 PM
Hmmm, I just looked at my new one and a old one. No coupon! sorry, I tried

10-06-2008, 09:11 PM
No coupon in mine either..now I'm pissed

10-07-2008, 01:07 AM
That a very good girlfriend that your taking the effort to get him another coupon. I will try to look tomorrow if I can find one. What is he trying to buy?

10-07-2008, 08:23 AM
An engine dress up kit (which i would never pay that much $$$ for) that I know of for sure & thanks a lot to those of you who checked for me... I still haven't found one yet but I'm going to keep on trying. I've asked everybody I can think of. I think he is somewhat over it now because I honestly didn't do it on purpose and I don't really think it was a big deal... But I'd still like to find one today or tomorrow if possible.

10-07-2008, 09:30 AM
If he wants to wait he can get it at the fall swap meet.If not then just try callin over there and explain the situation.Or head over to the CJ pony parts forum and ask them through there.They are some pretty cool guys that work there.

10-07-2008, 01:36 PM
An engine dress up kit (which i would never pay that much $$$ for) that I know of for sure & thanks a lot to those of you who checked for me... I still haven't found one yet but I'm going to keep on trying. I've asked everybody I can think of. I think he is somewhat over it now because I honestly didn't do it on purpose and I don't really think it was a big deal... But I'd still like to find one today or tomorrow if possible.

ahh good women are so hard find nowadays i hope he realizes how lucky he is i had my coupon and she bitched at me i told her "but baby i got it on sale...." :lol::lol::lol: good luck :bigthumb

10-08-2008, 09:11 AM
I registered on the CJPP forum and am still waitin to get the email which will allow me to actually post... If i dont get it by day's end, I'll prob just call. + it's wacky weds = FREE SHIPPING. If I can do it, I might go ahead and just buy it for him, if I can remember in the catalog which one it was. But hopefully it works out because I'm startin to get aggrivated.

ahh good women are so hard find nowadays i hope he realizes how lucky he is i had my coupon and she bitched at me i told her "but baby i got it on sale...." :lol::lol::lol: good luck :bigthumb

&& Thanks, you should tell him that....!! I understand though, I'll be buying the same stuff in a couple years when I get my toy :tongue2: (or when his becomes mine, which will probably happen first)

10-08-2008, 07:20 PM
well my wife bought my 04gt new for me a christmas time and i had the nerve to disrespect her oh shit did i learn a lesson there long story short any "car guy" with a supportive significant other ought to kiss the ground she walks on cause she can surely make it hell on him easily good women are rare...sorry ladies but they are and if your reading this then your most likely one of the rare ones :bigthumb

10-09-2008, 09:54 AM
lol yeah I guess you are right. Well I promised mine a 68 Fastback, for some stupid reason. And I really think we'll have one restored one of these days. & I believe it though, esp if you're into cars....they can be money pits and extremely time consuming...

10-09-2008, 10:03 AM
Owning 5 vehicles... I can tell you that from experience... but its all worth it.

Of course I wish I had a girl who was into cars/racing like I am... I might just invest more money elsewhere...