View Full Version : I cant make this up!

04-01-2009, 08:15 AM
As yall know, Shamwow! Vince got arrested last week for punching a hooker. I saw the pics and dont think Id want to get hit by this skinny fugger, but then again, I seriously doubt Id be biting his tongue or kissing him. Anyhoos on to my story. I managed to get home just a bit early on tuesday and decided to try and get the grass cut so I wouldnt have to do it this weekend. I push mowed the whole yard last year for the excersise and the fact that Im stubborn, but this year decided that riding is better than walking and planned to cut the grass with my lawn tractor. Heres where the fun begins.
As you can guess, the tractor is in the farthest depths of the garage, behind the motorcycle, Mustang and various pushmowers. For normal people this poses no problem. Move all things out and get the tractor out. Anyone remember whos typing this? Yea, me. First of all the bike. For some reason the key is not in the ignition and the forks turned and locked. After an hour looking thru pants pockets and coat pockets, I realize that I had last used the key to open the compartment under the seat. Yup, sure enuff bubba. Ok bike moved outside, now its on to the pushmowers. Believe it or not, even I cant screw this up.
Mowers outside, its Mustang time. I fired the blue balled beast into life and put it in reverse to back out and discovered that I hadnt moved the rest of the blockages far enough out to get the tractor clear to put everything back in. Start the whole thing over.
Now Ive got the mower outside and ready to fire. I had it running just fine inside the garage the week before and something went terribly wrong since.
It started pouring out clouds of smoke through the muffler. At one point I couldnt see the garage 5 feet away.I shut her down and began my inspection. Hmmm WAY too much oil in the crank case. Did someone thing that they were doing me a favor last year and fill it to the top? Idiots all. Anyways, I drain the crankcase and refill to the correct level and fire it up.
Still smoking but running smoothly. I let it run to see if it would clear out and it seemed to be working so I let nature run its course. I was paying close attention to the mower when the hand dropped on my shoulder. It was the Ft Mitchell Fire Dept. I looked around to see 4 trucks in and around my driveway. Apparantly someone was nice enough to call 911 while driving past and seeing the smoke. After a friendly chat with Fire Marshall Bill about the dangers of smoking lawnmowers, they departed and I went back to my Zen like state of lawn mower maintinance. I ended up getting the grass cut and decided it was time for a beer.

As I built a fire (yea a real one this time) I pondered the ramifications of some goodhearted citizen calling 911 again upon seeing flames in my side yard. Fuggit. If the fire trucks show up, Ill offer them a beer and some marshmallows to roast.
Keepin it from salavating on the rug since '66

04-01-2009, 08:19 AM
Thanks Kevin I needed a laugh!

04-01-2009, 08:39 AM
I heard that story in person. LMAO!!!!! Why is the posted time off by an hour??

Mista Bone
04-01-2009, 09:29 AM
I heard that story in person. LMAO!!!!! Why is the posted time off by an hour??

daylight savings time, check your settings

04-01-2009, 10:06 AM
That is awesome! :lol:

04-01-2009, 07:03 PM
oh you mean when my guys in my shop told me your house was on fire and i called 911 that was a bad idea? :flipoff:

04-02-2009, 12:18 AM
Just what I needed to pick up my spirits! Thanks Dedpedal!

04-02-2009, 02:16 AM
Thank you. I too needed that. You need to write a book