View Full Version : no frikin loyalty i swear

05-21-2009, 05:30 PM
i just don't get it, someone refers you to me, your a boy friend / girlfriend / stangbanger / family / whatever,

you do everything you can to help em out, get em the best deal

and then they go somewhere else to buy the same thing at the same price or more

whats the frikin deal with people, i just don't get it.

i try to go out of my way to shop with people i know to the best of my ability or a friend of a friend if i can throw something there way

it's so frikin frustrating some times

oh well, is it bad that i hope those people ran into a salesman that just laid em out and gave em the shaft big time


05-21-2009, 06:03 PM
no dude, I sold for 11+ years and saw this happen from time to time as well. No matter how hard you try or how great the deal is, If someone is impatient or stupid then thats what they will act like. I have sen family and friends waste peoples time (days of it) and still end up buying from someone else. Stupid is as stupid does. I hope they got their head riped off every time. And they usually do. Brush it off and move on buddy

05-21-2009, 07:12 PM
i just don't get it, someone refers you to me, your a boy friend / girlfriend / stangbanger / family / whatever,

you do everything you can to help em out, get em the best deal

and then they go somewhere else to buy the same thing at the same price or more

whats the frikin deal with people, i just don't get it.

i try to go out of my way to shop with people i know to the best of my ability or a friend of a friend if i can throw something there way

it's so frikin frustrating some times

oh well, is it bad that i hope those people ran into a salesman that just laid em out and gave em the shaft big time


LOL!!:lol: Welcome to my world!!!:flipoff::lol:

05-21-2009, 08:09 PM
no dude, I sold for 11+ years and saw this happen from time to time as well. No matter how hard you try or how great the deal is, If someone is impatient or stupid then thats what they will act like. I have sen family and friends waste peoples time (days of it) and still end up buying from someone else. Stupid is as stupid does. I hope they got their head riped off every time. And they usually do. Brush it off and move on buddy

i do, it just always blows my mind

i came in early today to make sure i was there for the appointment at 9:00

by 11:30 i was making calls, no call back

at least someone was at home at 6:00 and was courteous enough to tell me i wouldn't be seeing my appointment as they bought elsewhere

i'd have more respect if people would simply call and say, we ended up going elsewhere

they told me they gave the person the message earlier, and of course not even a courtesy call

05-21-2009, 08:59 PM
Cold references suck. Expectations aren't communicated and people in general are flaky. I Pm'ed ya about some business.

Mista Bone
05-21-2009, 09:43 PM
Terry, I get it all the time.

Explain how much it is gonna cost to build a tranny to their wants.....then never heard from them again....

maybe 1 in 6 bother to get back ahold of me.

05-22-2009, 03:00 AM
I know where you are coming from. Anyone in business has to deal with this. I've spent hours on the phone giving free advice, helping people out in the parking lot, only to see them post up they went somewhere else to spend there money, or they have another shop's sticker on their car. I still help people out and still give the free advice, because there are a lot of people out there that aren't like that and do appreciate the help and reciprocate with business. When I first started my business it wasn't like that as much. Seems like things have changed for the worse.

Black Horse
05-22-2009, 06:10 AM
It's the price of doing business in the current day and age. Folks want instant gratification and are not afraid to use others to get what they want, most of them don't even realize what they are doing. All you can do is hope karma will catch up to them on the next go-round.

Suck it up, put on your big boy shorts and start fresh each day. Its not worth missing what you can have over what you wish you would have.

05-22-2009, 06:59 AM
very true. To be honest I have done it too as I think we all have to some extent. Good intentions going in and when you get that wake up smack in the face and realize YOUR WAY OUTTA YOUR LEAGUE. You blow smoke up someones butt and shake hands and leave with the promise of seeing them later. All the while your leaving with shattered dreams and the knowing that your not gonna be able to get what you want. Some dont want to hurt your feelings for all the time you put into something, Others are to imbarased (sp) to have to downsize with a buddy and look stupid so they leave, downsize their dreams and get their head ripped clean off. Human nature is a bit@#.

05-22-2009, 07:38 AM
I sold for about 10 years here locally and had my own lot for a little while too... and that's just people nature.... they don't know any better.. hell I bet half the people who come in here wouldnt know a good deal if it slapped them in the face. It had to come down to one of a few things, and you know what those things are if you've ever sold cars it's the philosophy behind it..... price, car, dealer or you......... and I always made it a point to ask them..... even if it made them a little uneasy....

05-22-2009, 07:39 AM
lol I said here like I still work at a dealer.....