View Full Version : Machida vs. Evans

05-26-2009, 06:29 PM

Pretty good fight...Machida owns his ass. This guy is gonna be huge in MMA. He hasn't lost a round in UFC yet.

05-26-2009, 06:43 PM
he's very unorthadox... and very defensive/counter puncher, Dodges so many strikes.

05-26-2009, 07:39 PM
What a great fight. Machita is a bad dude, I see him as the Tiger Woods of MMA, he's been training since he was a baby. Evans is a bad dude also, he seemed to recover from a punch very quickly.

05-26-2009, 10:18 PM
I really wish they would open up a special class where there is no weight limit. I'd love to see some guys from different classes compete just because their abilities are so closely matched...it's just the weight difference that keeps the fight from happening. I guess it would suck for the light guy if it went to the mat though.

05-27-2009, 05:47 PM
Loved watching Evans loose. I can't wait to see Machida do the same to Rampage.

05-27-2009, 06:17 PM
Great fight! I hope he holds the title for a while so we can see some good battles.

05-27-2009, 06:29 PM

Pretty good fight...Machida owns his ass. This guy is gonna be huge in MMA. He hasn't lost a round in UFC yet.

Gonna be?

05-27-2009, 09:25 PM
Gonna be?

I think he's just trying to say that we haven't even seen the best of this guy yet.

05-27-2009, 09:50 PM
This must not be my "cup of tea"...I don't see the thrill in watching this. I can appreciate what it takes to compete in this, but it is boring to me, especially when they wallow around on the mat seeing who can shove their nuts in the other guys face for the longest. Again, I'm not downing it, I just can't get into it. :)

05-27-2009, 09:51 PM
I think that he has already made a statement in the mma world prior to the Evans win. Looks as if the UFC tried to push back his title shot as long as possible. It seems to me that the UFC does not like champs that do not speak english because of marketability issues (Anderson Silva comes to mind). The only reason Machida got the fight with Evans is because Rampage was hurt.

05-28-2009, 06:04 AM
I think that he has already made a statement in the mma world prior to the Evans win. Looks as if the UFC tried to push back his title shot as long as possible. It seems to me that the UFC does not like champs that do not speak english because of marketability issues (Anderson Silva comes to mind). The only reason Machida got the fight with Evans is because Rampage was hurt.

He spoke ok English Saturday night. Not perfect, but you could communicate with the guy.

05-28-2009, 06:33 AM
I think he's just trying to say that we haven't even seen the best of this guy yet.

Yeah i'm saying he's not going away any time soon. There's a lot of guys who come out and come up and win a belt, then lose the belt and fizzle out. I have a feeling he's not gonna be one to fizzle.

(then again, he hasn't really proven himself on the ground yet, despite his black belt in jujitsu)

05-28-2009, 06:59 PM
This must not be my "cup of tea"...I don't see the thrill in watching this. I can appreciate what it takes to compete in this, but it is boring to me, especially when they wallow around on the mat seeing who can shove their nuts in the other guys face for the longest. Again, I'm not downing it, I just can't get into it. :)

Well I like ufc, but the trend with all the ground game is monotonous, i normally like watching the welterweights and light weights more because they do less of it. But IMO dana white and ufc push this type of fighting because it draws the fights out longer, more entertaining to numbers. But just like the first brock lesner fight, a person can totally annialate a person, and end up on the ground getting his ankle twisted and crying uncle and loosing. They are getting too commercialized and mainstream now and had to "tone it down" with rules and regulations. Make it a tiny bit less violent appearing and more tv-fied

05-28-2009, 07:25 PM
Well I like ufc, but the trend with all the ground game is monotonous, i normally like watching the welterweights and light weights more because they do less of it. But IMO dana white and ufc push this type of fighting because it draws the fights out longer, more entertaining to numbers. But just like the first brock lesner fight, a person can totally annialate a person, and end up on the ground getting his ankle twisted and crying uncle and loosing. They are getting too commercialized and mainstream now and had to "tone it down" with rules and regulations. Make it a tiny bit less violent appearing and more tv-fied

Yeah, I have been to 2 "lower level" fights at a local venue, and it was really cool until they got all locked together like 2 dogs fucking, then it was boring. I think you are right mustangjon.

05-28-2009, 07:52 PM
This must not be my "cup of tea"...I don't see the thrill in watching this. I can appreciate what it takes to compete in this, but it is boring to me, especially when they wallow around on the mat seeing who can shove their nuts in the other guys face for the longest. Again, I'm not downing it, I just can't get into it. :)

I used to be bias to boxing because that was the big fighting sport when i was growing up. But, after years of watching 2 guys in a ring slow dance with each other, jab 200 times and maybe throw a few hail mary's, then hug for 3 rounds, then one of them finally land a knock down punch and that ends the match...i've found that MMA is WAY more exciting. Give it a chance and watch some of the more exciting fights.

05-28-2009, 08:07 PM
I used to be bias to boxing because that was the big fighting sport when i was growing up. But, after years of watching 2 guys in a ring slow dance with each other, jab 200 times and maybe throw a few hail mary's, then hug for 3 rounds, then one of them finally land a knock down punch and that ends the match...i've found that MMA is WAY more exciting. Give it a chance and watch some of the more exciting fights.

I totally agree, I grew up watching boxing with my Dad and Uncles every weekend. Then after about 1990 the thrill was gone mainly due to corruption in judging fights and the incredible inactivity of the mid to upper weight classes. At first when I saw Hoyce Gracie fight I wanted him to get his ass kicked because I thought the ground game was so lame. After watching it ever since then and learning what they are actually doing in the ring on the ground and just how fast a bad ass will tap out from an arm bar or choke they now have more respect in my eyes than anything I see in boxing. Im sure some day it will become tainted just as boxing but for now I think its the only game in town.

05-28-2009, 09:19 PM
I'd like to see Forrest Griffin hop in the octagon with Michida. Forrest is pretty unorthidoxed himself.