View Full Version : SOB!!!! S O B ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! NNOOOOOO!!!!!

06-05-2009, 06:51 PM

OH MAN....where do i start.

Anyone here ever eat cheese curls? The little orange cat turd looking things? Well if i have one guilty pleasure in life it's cheese curls. You ever have that problem where the damned bag is so shitty that it rips down the side when you try to open the bag??? WELL THE SHIT HAS COME TO A HEAD!

Here's a copy of the email i just sent to Mike Sells:

To Whom it may concern,

I am writing in regards to the bags that you at Mike Sells use to package your Cheese Curls. I love your Cheese Curls, they're one of my favorite snacks. However, EVERY SINGLE BAG i get, the plastic is so terrible that the mere act of trying to open the bag usually results in a huge rip down the side of it. Most times i can gently work my way into the bag like some kind of delta force recon mercenary and manage not to rip the bag, but once the bag is open it's anyone's guess as to how many times you can reopen the bag before it shreds. Once that happens, what the hell do i do with 12oz of loose Cheese Curls?

Today was the final straw, as i go to get a few out of the bag for my 9 month old daughter who gets 2-3 for a treat and she loves them more than me. Well anyways, i go up to her in her high chair, i attempt to open the already pre-opened bag, and the damned bag ripped all the way down the side and i dumped 95% of an almost FULL bag of Cheese Curls onto my daughter.

Ok you can stop laughing now, it's not THAT funny.

I'm pretty upset to say the least. My daughter on the other hand had a blast, but now i have a Cheese Curl dust covered daughter and no Cheese Curls to enjoy for myself, as they all went on the floor or are covered in baby slobber. I personally used to work in polyethylene extrusion, so i know first hand that this plastic is absolute crap, and i can guarantee you that i'm not the only person who is ready to boycott your Cheese Curls unless you address this problem STAT. Please don't make me look to Frito Lay for my beloved Cheese Curls, as i do prefer your Cheese Curls to theirs.

Yours Truly,
A disgruntled Cheese Curl Snacker

Ok yes, it's pretty damned funny. Ha fuckin ha, i dumped a whole bag of cheese curls onto my daughter. It's a fuckin laugh riot. She thought it was the best thing ever and proceeded to cram as many into her little mouth as she could while i attempted to clean up the aftermath. I'd like to kick Mike Sells in his wiener right now :mad:


fst 5pto
06-05-2009, 07:20 PM
Lol your luck lately has been shitty man, but I am sure it could be worse. At least your daughter had fun with it.

06-05-2009, 07:27 PM
Don't hold back David, Tell us how you really feel !!! LMAO

06-05-2009, 07:28 PM
I'm laughin about it now, but i was about to punch the shit out of a pile of cheese curls :lol:

06-05-2009, 08:44 PM
Use scissors

Mista Bone
06-05-2009, 09:05 PM
Use scissors

he'd hurt himself running with them.

06-05-2009, 09:05 PM
well this Chirstmas im buyin you a case of cheese curls.HAHAHAHAHa.

Keep us posted about how they handle it.
I emailed pepsi 2 weeks ago about a funny tasting Mountain Dew I had,They PROMPTLY sent me an email stating how sorry they were and mailed me a coupon for not 1-20oz,but a 4 OR 6 pack bottles for free.I will forever buy dew now.

06-05-2009, 09:28 PM
Man, now I have to go out and get a bag of cheesy poofs!!!! They are good!!!

Mista Bone
06-05-2009, 11:04 PM

06-05-2009, 11:48 PM
ha ha. I once called my wife at work to proclaim..... IVE DONE IT!!!! she replied DONE WHAT!!!!!! I said I OPENED A BAG OF COMBOS WITHOUT RIPPING THE DAMN BAG DOWN THE MIDDLE!!!!!!! WOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!! I feel for ya but even after that wonderful part of my life I stuck my hand in there and it ripped right down the freaking side....

06-06-2009, 07:01 AM
well this Chirstmas im buyin you a case of cheese curls.HAHAHAHAHa.

Keep us posted about how they handle it.
I emailed pepsi 2 weeks ago about a funny tasting Mountain Dew I had,They PROMPTLY sent me an email stating how sorry they were and mailed me a coupon for not 1-20oz,but a 4 OR 6 pack bottles for free.I will forever buy dew now.

That "funny tasting" Mountain Dew didn't say "Throwback" on it, did it? :confused:




06-06-2009, 07:55 AM
I seen a dew truck that had that can and throwback on it going down the highway the other day. I'd try it but not a big dew fan.

06-06-2009, 08:12 AM
I seen a dew truck that had that can and throwback on it going down the highway the other day. I'd try it but not a big dew fan.

They also have it in Pepsi... It's alright. I'm used to the sweetness/fizz of corn syrup now.

Throwback doesn't have the carbonated bite of the regular stuff. It almost tastes flat. The throwback Pepsi doesn't give me the burps though...

I like Jone's pure cane sugar soda, so it's weird...

As far as cheesy poofs, don't Cheetos come in a large bulk container with a plastic easy-open lid? If Mike Sells wants to play hardball with their bags... :lol:

06-07-2009, 07:29 AM
I really hate how those things make my weiner turn orange! I think I will send them a letter as well! You know I have done the same thing as you have mentioned, I usually use a knife as slice the top open. Let us know if they respond.

06-07-2009, 08:57 AM
Kodak moment!! I'm sure that letter will make it rounds around the office.

06-07-2009, 10:11 AM
lmao thats pretty funny D. i think my parents got divorced over those multi pack of their chips dad never could open one of those bags without rippn the sides......

06-13-2009, 07:34 AM
In order for us to trace any problems we have to have the bag size and the sell by date with the letter and numbers.

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Please give us your name and address and we will send out a coupon.


Mike-sell's Potato Chip Co.

Cheryll Hohne

Executive Assistant

Meh. I was hoping for something more entertaining than this.

06-13-2009, 02:43 PM
well this Chirstmas im buyin you a case of cheese curls.HAHAHAHAHa.

Keep us posted about how they handle it.
I emailed pepsi 2 weeks ago about a funny tasting Mountain Dew I had,They PROMPTLY sent me an email stating how sorry they were and mailed me a coupon for not 1-20oz,but a 4 OR 6 pack bottles for free.I will forever buy dew now.

I thought it was just me and my wife, we also got some funny tasting mt.dew and pepsi a couple weeks ago. I never thought about email them, we thought it was just us.

06-14-2009, 12:41 AM
A cast poly propylene maybe a better option for them, as it doesn't have directional tear properties, maintains a good O2 barrier, and heat seals easily. I would guess their current structure to be a PET, as they tend to be a bit brittle.