View Full Version : Split the pot?

08-07-2009, 01:47 PM
So, this is a few days after but I've had a stupid week and haven't had a chance to rant about it. I had to write a politically correct "update" for the Thornhill site, but that just left me feeling like I couldn't say, "WHAT A DUMB FUCKING BITCH!!" Read below...

In the past, Thornhill has allowed people to run Split the Pot drawings to help raise money for charitable causes. These causes are usually to help someone who has been in a devastating accident or has some terminal illness such as cancer. If you purchased a Split the Pot ticket on August 1st, 2009 this was not sanctioned by Thornhill and we had no prior knowledge of it.

About 10:00pm Saturday night management started getting approached by patrons in possession of Split the Pot tickets, and wanting to know what time we’d be drawing for it as they had been told 9:30pm. We found this very interesting since we were not running a Split the Pot that night.

We learned that a regular, Ashley Redman, had been selling Split the Pot tickets on her own. By the time we learned of it, she’d already gone home with the money and the tickets. We contacted Mrs. Redman through a third party and demanded that she return to deal with the issue. We also contacted the Kenton County Police.

Mrs. Redman did return and claimed that she was selling tickets to help the track, with the intention of splitting the money between the track and the winner. She did this without the knowledge of Thornhill, certainly without the permission of Thornhill, and took the money home even before the time the drawing was reportedly supposed to occur. She also stated several times that she believed we ran Split the Pot every Saturday night. It’s our belief that she’d hoped to go undetected as just one of several people selling tickets. People who bought tickets from her would just be automatic losers.

In an effort to make good for our patrons, we did recover 43 tickets and $41 from Mrs. Redman. We have no idea if this was the actual number of tickets sold. We tossed in the missing $2 and drew a ticket. The prize was not claimed so the $43 will be donated to the Kenton Fire Dept.

If you purchased tickets from Mrs. Redman and still have your tickets, please contact us via email on this site. If your ticket is outside the range of tickets given to us by Mrs. Redman, this proves she sold more than claimed and kept the money. That information will be forwarded to the Kenton County Police.

In light of this situation, we urge our patrons not to purchase any Split the Pot tickets unless it’s announced over the PA system and the person is identified by whatever means is announced. Further Split the Pot collections will be required to have special shirts, or buckets, or some means of identifying themselves to our patrons as legitimate.

Ashley Redman has been indefinitely banned from Thornhill facilities.

I mean seriously, WHAT THE FUCK WAS THIS BITCH THINKING? Luckily, people seemed to understand and no one got pissed off at us about it. It just could have been bad. It put us in a shitty situation. Oh, her husband told us she was selling tickets BECAUSE HER COUSIN NEEDED A BABY SHOWER. What the hell? And she really excepted us to believe this shit.

Evidently, I'm the one that fucked up her going to jail for it. My immediate priority was trying to solve the issue for the people who were holding those tickets, so I got her to come back to the track with the money and tickets. The cop said that if I'd have left her home with the money, it would have been easier to show she had intended to steal it. Since she was back there, we couldn't prove anything. Ugh.

08-07-2009, 01:53 PM
have no worries, she will end up in jail sooner than later.

08-07-2009, 08:32 PM
Sign of the times or not...some people are morons.

08-07-2009, 11:11 PM
It sounds like you were trying to do the right thing even though she wasnt. She will get hers, what goes around comes around!

08-08-2009, 10:14 AM
Questionable practices like this are growing by the day. If this woman is on the con game she is a Cretan and will reap what she soughs when the time comes. You were a gentleman and a scholar for showing concern for your patrons and giving her a chance to right the wrong whether it be an honest mistake (?) or a weak attempt at a scam. Either way, your giving her a chance to return and straighten out the ordeal was honorable. You handled this VERY wisely. She now has a record (assuming she has never done this before) that can be used against her if she acts in this manner again and gets caught, and they do all eventually get caught, even the big ones in New York!!!! IE Bernie Mainard (spelling)

Fool me once shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

08-08-2009, 12:30 PM
Thanks guys. I always at least try to do the right thing, although some may think otherwise lol. The crazy thing is, when I banned her from the track she started crying. She brings her kids to the lake to fish during the week too. I told her don't come back to the track, don't come back to the lake, don't come to pet the horses. She started bawling about how her kids loved it down there, like this was something I was doing to them. I actually felt bad for a second for banning her, then I just started feeling bad for the kids for having a mother that was obviously going to set a wonderful example for them. I said, "Have their father bring them...." She SUDDENLY stopped crying, looked at me and said, "Asshole." haha


08-08-2009, 12:45 PM
Thanks guys. I always at least try to do the right thing, although some may think otherwise lol. The crazy thing is, when I banned her from the track she started crying. She brings her kids to the lake to fish during the week too. I told her don't come back to the track, don't come back to the lake, don't come to pet the horses. She started bawling about how her kids loved it down there, like this was something I was doing to them. I actually felt bad for a second for banning her, then I just started feeling bad for the kids for having a mother that was obviously going to set a wonderful example for them. I said, "Have their father bring them...." She SUDDENLY stopped crying, looked at me and said, "Asshole." haha


That darn cry thing happened to me last week. I was driving to a customer that is in Brazil, IN and while making my way through Indy, this lasy in a black fancy SUV side swipes me. WE pull over. I get out, look back at her through up my hands and say "what were you thinking?" She walks towards me and turns on the faucet. I felt bad. Almost told hyer notto worry about it, then caught myself... "Hey this is her fault idiot.", I said to myself. That cry thing works awful good. If a guy did that over getting pulled over he'd get locked up for 30 days. LOL!!!!

08-08-2009, 01:21 PM
looked at me and said, "Asshole." haha


She called you the name my wife gave me. I thought it was a term of endearment.

08-08-2009, 03:35 PM
Chris, you did the right thing from start to finish. You took care of the people who really matter, your customers, and you took care of the low rent who scammed your customers. Things like this will happen. Take it in stride and know that you do the right thing. My hat is off to you.

08-11-2009, 03:41 PM
Chris, you did the right thing from start to finish. You took care of the people who really matter, your customers, and you took care of the low rent who scammed your customers. Things like this will happen. Take it in stride and know that you do the right thing. My hat is off to you.

Agree and couldn't of said it any better.