View Full Version : I want to kill this low life POS!!!

09-17-2009, 10:24 PM
My GF and I was pretty excited about buying our brand new house so we decided to buy brand new furniture for the entire house. After about 6 hours of shopping we decided to take a break. Clear our heads and get something to eat. So we went to Chipotle to get food and two 42 oz. drinks. We was driving down 125 in my Hummer talking about how we could decorate the new house. We stop in traffic due to a police officer directing traffic for an event at a Church. My windows are rolled up and we are laughing and talking with excitement. As we are talking I keep hearing a guy say HEY!,....HEY!,......HEY!,......HEY!. We aren't paying attention so we continue talking. All the sudden I hear HEY BITCH!!! That automatically got my attention. I look over and there is 3 Wiggers and a black girl in a primmered older Honda Civic. The driver is looking in my direction. Naturally I said who the hell is he talking to. We both look around and there is a crowd of young people standing about 5 feet to the right of my car. My GF said he must be talking to them so we continue talking. About 5 seconds later the light turns green and I start to pull forward when I hear "Your girls a Whore". I looked over and the driver is looking dead at me and nods his head in a Yes motion. The girl in the front passenger seat is slapping his shoulder and covers her face from what looks like embarrassment and stays that way the whole time. While the two guys in the back look straight ahead (They never look at me). I get next to him and I yell, "What the hell is your problem?" He doesn't say anything. My GF said was he even talking to us? I said I don't know but I will find out. I will get in front of him and if he is talking to us he will speed up and get next to us. So I get about 2 car lengths ahead. I made sure I didn't cut him off and I get in the left lane. As soon as I get over he jerks into the right lane and gets next to me. When he gets next to me he makes a perverted tongue motion towards my girlfriend. At this moment I'm going ape shit. I grab my 42 oz. drink and my girlfriend pushes my hand away. (She knows exactly what I'm about to do). Finally I get ahold of the drink and I throw it out the window. As soon as it hit the 50 mph wind the lid flew off. It flies in his window and hits him right in his face as he is making his perverted jester to my GF. He swerves and I can see he is shocked at what happened. As he is wiping his face I am reloading so I grab her Sprite and launch it out the window. The cup hit the wind blowing off the lid and right into his face again. I just wasted 84 oz. on this pos but it was worth it. I yell at him to pull over. He yells something back but I cant understand him. It sounded like he was stuttering. I hear his $400 pos rev up. I said to myself if he wont pull over I will make him so I stomp it to the floor and I am pulling on him in my slow ass Hummer. I get about 1/2 car length in front of him so I swerve in his lane and lock the brakes. He almost hits me and skids into the emergency lane. I continue driving about 20 mph so he can catch up. He isn't catching up so I slow down to almost a stop. As I am waiting for him he turns down a side street. I want to tear this prick apart for disrespecting me and my GF. I know I should of stayed calm but I'm sick and tired of fucking white trash corrupting the streets and ruining innocent peoples life's. I didn't do anything to him to make him act like that. If I didn't do anything then he would of done it to someone weaker and it could of ended worse. After I calmed down my GF and I talked and we both think he was on drugs or had a gun to give Him confidence. I'm typically a very nice guy. I just hate ignorance and trash. Ironically there was no cars around while this was going on or I wouldn't of brake checked him. Sorry for my rant.

09-17-2009, 10:41 PM
Dude I love it. Be very careful as stopping and getting out never ends well but your right. I hate stupid trashey people and sometimes they just hit a nerve. No one ever messes with me in the hillbilly ( 79 jacked up chevy ) but if they did I think I would park on top of their little pos. Where did this happen at? Maybe I will go for a ride in the hillbilly and take out some frustration.

09-17-2009, 11:10 PM
As much as I want to say you shouldn't have did what you did. I would have done the same thing.
You just don't know how many crazy people there are and what they are willing to do and not care about the out come.

If he would have hit your car I seriously doubt he would have hd insurance.

I pretty much had the same thing happen but I hit a guy in the face with a 12oz coke can going down 275,
The guy cut me off and then had the nerve to get pissed at me and tried to cause me to hit him. My big slow black F-150 (lightning) was a little faster and more nimble than he thought.


09-17-2009, 11:51 PM

Mista Bone
09-18-2009, 12:19 AM
#1 rule, don't get out of the vehicle.

I hate driving Beechmont daily due to this.

Like sucks, like never having a cop around when you need one.

April 2007 I totaled my Blue Civic HB at 275/Hamilton/Houston Rd interscetion due to a KY driver failing to yield. I knw that intersection is bad, I have to go thru it 6 days a week.

I was coming thru it tonight at 6PM, noticed a Colerain Twp. cop in the left turn lane to go North on US127/Hamilton Ave. Red Civic HB coming from 275 ramp didn't yield, I locked up the front brakes, missed him by a foot or less. As I'm sitting in the middle if the intersection where I'd totaled a car 2+ years ago, the cop hits the lights and hauls ass after the red Civic HB. Once I knew the cop was gone, I cleared the intersection and cleared my shorts. Since last accident I've approached the intersection at 30 mph in a 35 zone, off the gas and covering the brake pedal, which is only thing that saved me tonight.

Had I not been covering the brake pedal, that extra second of reaction time would have ended up in two totaled Civics, me going to the hospital.

09-18-2009, 05:46 AM
due to a KY driver failing to yield.
So a KY driver is to blame...:rolleyes:

09-18-2009, 06:35 AM
you did the right thing. now its time to mount a cow pusher on the front of that hummer!

09-18-2009, 08:19 AM
OMG that is awesome!!!!!!!!! I'd loved to seen the look on his face when the pop hit him....

09-18-2009, 10:54 AM
I lol'ed. :lol:

09-18-2009, 11:09 AM
Good job. It's the people who wouldn't have done anything and ignored it that cause this behavior to proliferate. I have some wiggers in my neighborhood who found out the old guy doesn't play nice.

09-18-2009, 02:43 PM
same here. A "accidently" slapped the back of some little punks arm with the mirror of my car going @ 30. Damn it looked painfull. He wouldnt move out of the way and kept walking in my lane. After I did it I stopped and asked if he was ok. All of his smarter friends were laughing at him because he was crying a little. He wouldnt answer me so i told him to keep his little bitch ass outta the road when a car is trying to get by.

09-18-2009, 04:24 PM
you did the right thing. now its time to mount a cow pusher on the front of that hummer!

I have one but I didnt want an accident on my record since it is clean (Knock on wood). I wanted him to rear end me. My rear bumper is steal so it probly would of totaled his car. I would of got out and went ape shit. Then told the police he was driving like a idiot and calling my GF out of her name. He also would of got an accident on his record. I win! lol

09-18-2009, 04:30 PM
Dude I love it. Be very careful as stopping and getting out never ends well but your right. I hate stupid trashey people and sometimes they just hit a nerve. No one ever messes with me in the hillbilly ( 79 jacked up chevy ) but if they did I think I would park on top of their little pos. Where did this happen at? Maybe I will go for a ride in the hillbilly and take out some frustration.

Near Shell and BW3's

09-18-2009, 04:47 PM
check out the youtube video. I think you will like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPofRQdREyU

09-18-2009, 05:09 PM
check out the youtube video. I think you will like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPofRQdREyU

Thats pretty good. They deserve more than that though.

09-18-2009, 06:02 PM
check out the youtube video. I think you will like it. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPofRQdREyU

That should be the poster video for the NRA concealed weapon argument. Great job that guy for keeping himself so calm in that situation and thinking clearly.

09-18-2009, 08:59 PM
Can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing, but that was a really stupid thing to do. I'm pretty sure they could have gotten you for assault. And to the moron who hit a pedestrian with his mirror, I'm pretty sure that would be assault with a motor vehicle. Consider yourself lucky they didn't get your plate and call the cops.

09-18-2009, 09:31 PM
My GF and I was pretty excited about buying our brand new house so we decided to buy brand new furniture for the entire house. After about 6 hours of shopping we decided to take a break. Clear our heads and get something to eat. So we went to Chipotle to get food and two 42 oz. drinks. We was driving down 125 in my Hummer talking about how we could decorate the new house. We stop in traffic due to a police officer directing traffic for an event at a Church. My windows are rolled up and we are laughing and talking with excitement. As we are talking I keep hearing a guy say HEY!,....HEY!,......HEY!,......HEY!. We aren't paying attention so we continue talking. All the sudden I hear HEY BITCH!!! That automatically got my attention. I look over and there is 3 Wiggers and a black girl in a primmered older Honda Civic. The driver is looking in my direction. Naturally I said who the hell is he talking to. We both look around and there is a crowd of young people standing about 5 feet to the right of my car. My GF said he must be talking to them so we continue talking. About 5 seconds later the light turns green and I start to pull forward when I hear "Your girls a Whore". I looked over and the driver is looking dead at me and nods his head in a Yes motion. The girl in the front passenger seat is slapping his shoulder and covers her face from what looks like embarrassment and stays that way the whole time. While the two guys in the back look straight ahead (They never look at me). I get next to him and I yell, "What the hell is your problem?" He doesn't say anything. My GF said was he even talking to us? I said I don't know but I will find out. I will get in front of him and if he is talking to us he will speed up and get next to us. So I get about 2 car lengths ahead. I made sure I didn't cut him off and I get in the left lane. As soon as I get over he jerks into the right lane and gets next to me. When he gets next to me he makes a perverted tongue motion towards my girlfriend. At this moment I'm going ape shit. I grab my 42 oz. drink and my girlfriend pushes my hand away. (She knows exactly what I'm about to do). Finally I get ahold of the drink and I throw it out the window. As soon as it hit the 50 mph wind the lid flew off. It flies in his window and hits him right in his face as he is making his perverted jester to my GF. He swerves and I can see he is shocked at what happened. As he is wiping his face I am reloading so I grab her Sprite and launch it out the window. The cup hit the wind blowing off the lid and right into his face again. I just wasted 84 oz. on this pos but it was worth it. I yell at him to pull over. He yells something back but I cant understand him. It sounded like he was stuttering. I hear his $400 pos rev up. I said to myself if he wont pull over I will make him so I stomp it to the floor and I am pulling on him in my slow ass Hummer. I get about 1/2 car length in front of him so I swerve in his lane and lock the brakes. He almost hits me and skids into the emergency lane. I continue driving about 20 mph so he can catch up. He isn't catching up so I slow down to almost a stop. As I am waiting for him he turns down a side street. I want to tear this prick apart for disrespecting me and my GF. I know I should of stayed calm but I'm sick and tired of fucking white trash corrupting the streets and ruining innocent peoples life's. I didn't do anything to him to make him act like that. If I didn't do anything then he would of done it to someone weaker and it could of ended worse. After I calmed down my GF and I talked and we both think he was on drugs or had a gun to give Him confidence. I'm typically a very nice guy. I just hate ignorance and trash. Ironically there was no cars around while this was going on or I wouldn't of brake checked him. Sorry for my rant.
lol about a month ago i was riding arond with one of my buddies in his truck, when we seen somebody he had been having problems with. when the guy seen us he started cutting us off and brake checking us. when we got beside him i threw my 32 ounce cup of root beer at him. it splattered all over the side of his car. i thought his windows were all the way up but he told somebody i knew that it went all over him. he's also racially confused. on his my space he's dressed up like a gangster holding his little pistol. if he's so tough then why did he run from us after he wore my pop? he had his gangster buddy sitting beside him

09-18-2009, 10:16 PM
Can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing, but that was a really stupid thing to do. I'm pretty sure they could have gotten you for assault. And to the moron who hit a pedestrian with his mirror, I'm pretty sure that would be assault with a motor vehicle. Consider yourself lucky they didn't get your plate and call the cops.

Oh yea start throwing the name calling. You werent there and he wouldnt let me by. Things happen. No reason to call names. You dont know me. I will however be at the rave at 11 meeting up with everyone else the day of the cruise if you would care to get to know me better before you start name calling. Heck i am out in your part of town all the time. Look for my cobra next time I pass by and maybe we can be friends.:)

09-19-2009, 09:17 AM
And to the moron who hit a pedestrian with his mirror, I'm pretty sure that would be assault with a motor vehicle. Consider yourself lucky they didn't get your plate and call the cops.

The pedestrian was walking in the middle of the street. You should learn how to read. :lol:

09-19-2009, 12:29 PM
I honked, yelled, and revved it up a bit. His friends moved and so did he for a min then as I was passing he walked right out in front of me. I know for a fact if a pedestrian walks in front of you (or runs) and you hit him you are not at fault. I had a kid run right out in front of me and I rolled him off my hood. After a BUNCH of cops and an ambulance and talking to people, that included his group of friends and my self, I was told I am free to go and if I wanted to go after him for the scratches down my hood I can.
Its not even that, do we really need the name calling. We arent a group of thugs out to fight and bitch at eachother. We are a group of car lovers who talk and get together when we can and we are supposed to all be friends. I you dont have something nice to say.... shut the fuck up. lol

09-19-2009, 04:42 PM
Can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing, but that was a really stupid thing to do. I'm pretty sure they could have gotten you for assault. And to the moron who hit a pedestrian with his mirror, I'm pretty sure that would be assault with a motor vehicle. Consider yourself lucky they didn't get your plate and call the cops.

I dont think the cop would charge me with assault when he was Sexually harassing my GF for no reason and I was standing up for her. If he did I would gladly sacrifice my perfect record to lock up this obvious criminal. I'm pretty sure hes been in jail before and he wouldn't get a slap on the wrist. I am also pretty sure they had drugs in the car and maybe a weapon. Judging from how high they looked.

09-19-2009, 08:05 PM
"he's also racially confused". Thats the dumbest remark I have ever read on this site, So since I wear "gangster" clothes im confused? Its funny how fast we are to judge people by the way they are dressed or look.

Mista Bone
09-20-2009, 01:53 AM
So a KY driver is to blame...:rolleyes:

KY driver, female, missed her exit, driving a Ford Escape......total fail.

Thursday night, I almost totaled my 4 dr Civic at exactly the same point. This time though I was covering the brake pedal, less than a foot. The GOOD thing, there was a Colerain Twp. cop to witnessed everything and they took off after the other car, failure to yield I assume.

As a courier I hit just about every bad intersection around 275, daily......it is bound to happen.

09-20-2009, 09:44 AM
"he's also racially confused". Thats the dumbest remark I have ever read on this site, So since I wear "gangster" clothes im confused? Its funny how fast we are to judge people by the way they are dressed or look.

Profiling is the bom!

09-20-2009, 11:42 AM
That is a great story!!! Ditto on the grab for the drinks! I usaully start grabbing for quarters, nickels, and dimes when the drink are gone. LOL

09-20-2009, 12:23 PM
all I can say is wow!

that's great you got him with the drink...

I definitely agree that if you would've let this slide, he would've done it again and the next time, it might of been worse...

09-20-2009, 09:41 PM
He was probably coming from my neighborhood in Amelia, Glad you threw your pop at him. I know where you are coming from, as I continually have to put up with that crap and every car and lawnmower not having mufflers.

09-26-2009, 02:11 PM
I dont think the cop would charge me with assault when he was Sexually harassing my GF for no reason and I was standing up for her. If he did I would gladly sacrifice my perfect record to lock up this obvious criminal. I'm pretty sure hes been in jail before and he wouldn't get a slap on the wrist. I am also pretty sure they had drugs in the car and maybe a weapon. Judging from how high they looked.

fuck that you did the right thing you shouldve smoked that pos fagget no body wouldve missed it, the only wrong thing wouldve been wasting good lead on that bitch but its what needs to be done