View Full Version : Small buisness owner?!?!?!

11-03-2009, 02:11 PM
Not pointing this towards anyone here but i hate seeing people start a buisness make it a success and then take all the money for themselves!!!

Heres the rundown on the situation. Friday oct. 30th its payday for me any my fiance. So saturday morning rolls around and she goes to her boss's bank to cash it. They told her no and that she would have to wait for funds to be in the account. This is the 2nd time this has happend and the first time was horrible. The check bounced a week and a half after we put it in the bank over 800bux worth of fees later and were back on our feet and this happens and now were behind on rent since we bought groceries and the things that we needed but could have waited on if we knew this was going to happen.

But heres the part i love. it costs the woman 21k a month to keep that buisness running and thats after payroll ect. now in the past 4 weeks the buisness has made over 42k. Now thats 21k profit for the owner, plus all her employees are almost a week behind in pay again, and she owes one of her employees 175 from the last pay period since she didn't have the money!

Just hate doing good on out own then leave it to someone else to mess up our finances and get us behind with x-mas right around the corner!!!

11-03-2009, 02:36 PM
daum that sucks sorry to hear that what kinda business?????

11-03-2009, 03:09 PM
Its a salon. Great buisness, lots of clients and its the best shop in town. Ive never seen a shop this nice around here but whats the use of having a nice salon if you dont pay the employees to keep them around and keep buisness going.

11-03-2009, 03:19 PM
Crazy, contrast that to a lot of people I know (especially lately) that are sinking personal money into their small business just to keep things afloat. Really makes you wonder.

11-03-2009, 03:22 PM
You would be surprised what it costs to keep a business running.

I'd bet they didn't make $21k profit.

11-03-2009, 03:31 PM
The 21k is straight from her. It was stated in a meeting for her to break even they needed to make 21k in a months time to make it as a buisness, now the 21k mark has been met all year and from employees that have been there for years they all say its been an ongoing problem.

Black Horse
11-03-2009, 04:10 PM
Time to sit down with the boss and let her know what's on your mind and how you need to depend on the income on time. If done in a constructive manner you may help everyone out!

11-03-2009, 06:39 PM
I agree with Black Horse...in a constructive way is always a good thing...BUT...alot of businesses are using or still uses the excuse of today's economy to get what they want, or to stretch certain things out...I for one work for one of those companies, they still use the excuse to not give raises and to hold funds...how they are doing is beyond me. :mad: lol this could turn into a rant reply but I will keep it simple.

Hope everything works for the better for you !

11-03-2009, 08:23 PM
My company bragged last christmas how they had 80 million in excess funs aka liquid cash not including their credit lines? And all year they've done nothing but cut any corner possible. Even frequenting layoffs for just a week at time... no warnings. Today a older gentalman got walked out cause he was no longer needed? He put in to retire, they asked him to stay to train, then stay till his social security would be availible and so he agreed. After his replacement was trained they fired him! Now that is weak and I wouldn't blame him if he went postal tomorrow! I say once we leave the gate we are no longer employees or co workers just some people on the street and its fuggin on!

11-04-2009, 09:17 AM
You would be surprised what it costs to keep a business running.

I'd bet they didn't make $21k profit.

11-04-2009, 12:08 PM
yeah thats a million dollar profit in 4 years i doubt any salon in wilmington makes that kind of money

11-04-2009, 01:24 PM

+3 On top of that you'd have to have access to know revenues were that high. Sounds like a guess-timation to me. Regardless, I would tell your fiance to try to find another job just in case. If the owner is not paying their salaries then what else is not getting paid?

11-08-2009, 04:52 PM
i thought hair dressors made most of there money on tips. if the owner is still working at the salon, i bet she isn bringing in that much. anyone making 21k a month is living in florida and paying someone 5k a month to run her business.