View Full Version : Police stop

01-04-2010, 10:56 AM
I was headed to the store around midnight on Sat. I pass a cop he pulls out behind me. I told my wife he is going to pull me over. (Short of the story) So he lights me up, I pull over he ask for my info. He say that my license plate light is out and gives me a warning. I pull in the next parking lot (100 ft away) get out to check and guess what it is working just fine. nice. So i come out of store and the same cop has someone else pulled over. Driving home I pass 9 cops. wow, I guess trying to catch a DUI?

Metcalf Racing
01-04-2010, 11:00 AM
They do that to me all the time in my mustangs or anything that looks halfway fast

01-04-2010, 11:22 AM
That is messed up. They just say whatever they want to pull you over. If you had been drinking he would have said you where weaving and that's why he pulled you over. I don't mind cops but when they pull stuff like that it just bugs the shit out of me. Wednesday on my way home on 32 I kept seeing fresh turn around marks in the median. I could tell they where fresh because mud was slung up on the road. Two state boys where running about a 3 mile stretch of highway just busting people. Seen one with a car pulled over and the other was going down through the median after another car going the opposite way.

01-04-2010, 11:32 AM
PRICKS! I know they have a job to do, but dont lie to drum up some reason to pull someone over just because your bored or in a lil competition at the department! I hate liars, and they are supposed to lead by example, and not all but some of them are worse than any of us will ever be. Shew, I feel better lol.... Yes, I've been boned by a few in my day...

01-04-2010, 12:26 PM
quota got to meet the quota.

01-04-2010, 01:17 PM
That is messed up. They just say whatever they want to pull you over. If you had been drinking he would have said you where weaving and that's why he pulled you over. I don't mind cops but when they pull stuff like that it just bugs the shit out of me. Wednesday on my way home on 32 I kept seeing fresh turn around marks in the median. I could tell they where fresh because mud was slung up on the road. Two state boys where running about a 3 mile stretch of highway just busting people. Seen one with a car pulled over and the other was going down through the median after another car going the opposite way.

Thats crazy... I came home new years morning at like 2am from Kentucky after being DD for some friends of mine... and I was falling asleep and trying to stay awake and I was weaving a little... and I did not see a single cop... the entire way home, from Ky to my house... very strange for new years day/morning

01-04-2010, 01:55 PM
Eastgate area was bad around midnight. I had this happen a couple of times, next time I think Im gonna ask to get out and look for my self. I wounder what they say then? I mean dont get me wrong the cop was nice but it is a inconvenience and aggarvating when this happens many of times.

01-04-2010, 03:20 PM
there are no cops i have talked to that i liked... in my opinion they are all assholes around here...

01-04-2010, 04:20 PM
I know a couple really cool police officers that happen to be members of SBZ.

01-04-2010, 04:32 PM
I go out past Amelia to the starlight drive in a few times a month in the summer ( which would be a great place for a STANGBANGERZ night this summer ) and the police are all over the place when that place lets out. At first it made me a little angry seeing them target the starlight patrons. Then after seeing some of the people they get off the streets with the "random stops" I now dont care if I get stopped. Stopping people for stupid reasons sometimes gets killers, drunks, and a lot of other bad people off the roads and out of stores where you shop, banks where you go, and schools where your kids attend. If random stops make all those places a little safer, then i am all for it. If your doing nothing wrong it gives you the opportunity to get to know and thank your local police who put their lives on the line so you can be safe. Yes there are some ass hats out there with badges but all in all I am thankful there is someone out there looking out for me.

01-04-2010, 04:45 PM
I know a couple really cool police officers that happen to be members of SBZ.

i haven't talked to them so i can't say if there idiots or not

01-04-2010, 05:30 PM
yea i just had one tell me mybrake light was out so i go get a new bulb and first check it at and it works fine that's just bs

01-04-2010, 06:03 PM
I dont mind being pulled over if I'm doing something wrong, or something is wrong with my ride. But I get pissed when someone lies to me, especially an HONEST and HONORABLE officer of the law. Like I said before, they do the job they wanted to do, and I appreciate the ones who are good at it, and honest in doing so. For those who arent in that category, asshat is too kind of a word. Lead by example, that's what should be done. I know thay get pretty pissed when a citizen stretches the truth... With all this being said, I have 2 buddies that are local sheriff's, and they are good cops and even better buds....

01-04-2010, 06:19 PM
i could write a book on how many times i have been pulled over in franklin and searched. i have been given every excuse in the book why i was pulled over. i have had a rookie franklin cop tell my ex he knows for a fact there were drugs going through my tahoe and if she ever wanted to tell him anything than to call his cell phone and he wrote the number on the card and gave it to her. the k-9 dog scratched the paint on passenger door jumping on it and scratched up my passenger lether seat from it's nails jumping in and they made me stand out in the rain why they searched it one of the times. i also had another cop rip the console out of my couger and break it. i had to call the franklin police dept and threaton them i was going to press charges the next time i got pulled over for no reason. i once pulled over to fix a tail light fuse in a parking lot by the police station because some one told me at a red light i had no tail lights. i was up under the dash looking for the fuse and next thing i kow there was like 7 cop cars and they wanted to search the car, me and my friends. needless to say they never found anything and they never would have. i know it was the rookie cop that gave my ex his number running his mouth because he wanted her, and i did make a couple personal trips to his house. lol. i could keep going on stories, i say i was getting pulled over twice a week and he was always there when it happened.

01-04-2010, 07:12 PM
HMMM! Lets think about this for a minute. We do have some cool cops that are on this site fair enough. These guys are however way out numbered by like 1,000,000 :1 ratio

I'd like to see a section started and devoted to making a list of those cops who play dirty with the law and keep it updated here on the web-site. I wonder if that would be possible? It would be funny to trend the names and see who the real jerks are at the end of each year and send them an "oinker of the year" plaque or semething. LOL!

I'm not talking about the cop who busts you for speeding and you know you were, but rather the one's like mentioned here that pull you over just for seomthing stupid, or turn into preaching pricks when they site you. Just a thought gang!

01-04-2010, 07:21 PM
HMMM! Lets think about this for a minute. We do have some cool cops that are on this site fair enough. These guys are however way out numbered by like 1,000,000 :1 ratio

I'd like to see a section started and devoted to making a list of those cops who play dirty with the law and keep it updated here on the web-site. I wonder if that would be possible? It would be funny to trend the names and see who the real jerks are at the end of each year and send them an "oinker of the year" plaque or semething. LOL!

I'm not talking about the cop who busts you for speeding and you know you were, but rather the one's like mentioned here that pull you over just for seomthing stupid, or turn into preaching pricks when they site you. Just a thought gang!

that would be great... the one that pulled me over and ripped my console apart said he pulled me over for a black piece that runs alond the bottom of the fron't bumper. it wasn't like it was dragging the ground just hanging down a little. he told me to fix it or the next time he see's it he was going to give me a ticket for a unsafe vehicle. so i reached under the car and ripped it off then popped the trunk, laid it back there and told him problem solved. he just gave me a weird look and i left....

Squale iii
01-04-2010, 08:05 PM
I generally always get pulled over before anybody else. Comes with driving any car worth owning...lol. THe moment you drive a old busted ass honda or something they don't even notice that you exist. That being said, I've probably been pulled over 30-40 times...Only been put in the squad car once for questioning, but the rest of the time they just write tickets or warnings. If they search your shit and don't find anything, I think it's harassment. I've worked with people who had pimped out lincolns and shit back in the day, and they'd let the drug dogs loose on his car. Nail marks all on his paint, etc. They don't give a fuck.

01-04-2010, 10:49 PM
They got me back in 98, I was in my pimped out 95 SHO. Bright arrest me red with tinted windows, rims and exhaust. They said they were waiting on a tint gauge, then the k-9 showed up! Was I nervous? Well lets just say I used to toke a little bit back then. The dog went around my car 2 times, scratched my quarter panel, and didnt find anything! I didnt bitch that time, because I had my reasons. But all b/s aside, they profiled my car and pulled me over. My tint was legal, I was sitting at a stop light with my belt on, and following all traffic rules. PRICKS! Thats not the only time either, dont get me started on the bike storys...

01-04-2010, 11:09 PM
Shit the bike stories i will believe lol been there.
I have been pulled over seven times alone in owensville.
3 times they said I have no running lights? lol
5 Out of the seven they wanted to search my car and did, and found nothing.
I have done wrong tho. Acually just this past weekend got one in newtonsville for "peeling Out". Should have been wreckless opp.

01-04-2010, 11:09 PM
I thought that if they damaged your car searching it and found nothing that they would be liable. Maybe a police officer from the site can chime on this. I have nothing to hide but will never consent to a search. Just something about them wanting to go through my stuff that bugs me.

01-04-2010, 11:47 PM
I thought that if they damaged your car searching it and found nothing that they would be liable. Maybe a police officer from the site can chime on this. I have nothing to hide but will never consent to a search. Just something about them wanting to go through my stuff that bugs me.

i never said anything cuz i figured it would pretty much be a no win battle.

01-04-2010, 11:52 PM
i have a perfectly clean record other than traffic tickets. they profiled me because my tahoe had tinted windows, chrome 22" wheels and i hung out in a neighborhood where drug dealers lived. lol. my tahoe was pretty much the only one in franklin that had big shiny wheels.

01-04-2010, 11:59 PM
Shit the bike stories i will believe lol been there.
I have been pulled over seven times alone in owensville.
3 times they said I have no running lights? lol
5 Out of the seven they wanted to search my car and did, and found nothing.
I have done wrong tho. Acually just this past weekend got one in newtonsville for "peeling Out". Should have been wreckless opp.

i have only been pulled over twice on any of my bikes and it was by the rookie cop that was out for me. once was because he said i rode down beside 7 cars that was waiting for a car to turn left at a red light, and the other time was when he said he pulled me and my buddy over so he could check him for warrants. my buddy had his helmet on because he had his temp's. the cop busted a u turn in the middle of the road and immediatly pulled us over. he had no clue it was him because he had no way to run the plates before he pulled us over and his bike was in his grandma's name.

01-05-2010, 01:07 AM
LMAO! I should put mine in my grandmas name too! That would prick with them lol... I hate to say it, but I adopted the "you want me, you catch me" mentality on my bikes. I'm not easy, and not easily caught so if you wanna give me a hard time because I'm not on a harley, then I'm gonna give you an even harder time catching me... I know it isint the smartest thing to do, but it sure feels nice when the cops are the helpless ones for a change. Oh, and if you use your head, you can outrun that damn radio!

01-05-2010, 03:28 AM
We have no policy or anything that i know of where we would be liable for any damages done to your car.

01-05-2010, 03:49 AM
have had no problems with amelia cops or the sheriffs that patrol my neighborhood. in fact they are very cool i have had a few stop at the house and talk to me about my stang.
i have had a couple amelia cops pull into orileys next to the cop shop and ask me about my car when i was picking up some things.

01-05-2010, 09:25 AM
We have no policy or anything that i know of where we would be liable for any damages done to your car.

Hold on. So if I get pulled over and the k9 dog scratches up the side of my car its just tough luck for me? I know the dog doesnt get taken out unless something is up but everyone makes mistakes. If nothing is found and the dog puts scratches all over my paint there has to be something that can be done.

01-05-2010, 09:25 AM
We have no policy or anything that i know of where we would be liable for any damages done to your car.
How is that possible? Your saying you can rip a car apart looking for whatever because you have a hunch or the driver looks shady? That is where I would draw the line. I would be in contact with a lawyer and suits would be filed. I can understand when a vehicle is damaged if drugs or whatever is found but when it comes up a clean search someone has to be liable.

01-05-2010, 09:53 AM
Hold on. So if I get pulled over and the k9 dog scratches up the side of my car its just tough luck for me? I know the dog doesnt get taken out unless something is up .

Yeah that would suck. Sometimes I think that if you look like you might have money or be a decent person some cops will mess with you and you have to prove innocents. They dont get any money from the tweakers. I think it is crazy that some cops dont like messing with the low lifes and rather waste peoples time making stuff up. I have nothing to hide and have a perfect record. I think that the reasonable cause is shady sometimes also. I have met some cops that seem ok and reasonable.

01-05-2010, 09:54 AM
I had a cop pull me over couple months ago and told me I was not wherein my seat belt which was not true. (I stated). Then he runs my info and comes back and ask me if I want a ticket for the seatbelt of front license plate and by the way the seatbelt is cheaper. I was very upset because he wants me to say I am a lier.

I have talked to the Amelia Police a couple of time and they seem decent.

01-05-2010, 11:13 AM
The front license plate thing is BS too. I have had some cars that didn't have a place for them and I was not going to tear something up to put it on. If I have a spot and it looks right ok but drilling into my 76 trans am wasn't going to happen.

01-05-2010, 12:05 PM
Now every department is different. All i am saying is that "we" don't have a policy on it. Only time i would call in for K-9 is if i know for a fact that something is in the vehicle. Some cops are gung ho, some are not. You open yourself to civil liabilities all the time.

01-05-2010, 02:22 PM
I remember being told that an officer of the law can completely disassemble your car in a search, and leave it in that same condition after the search. Regaurdless of wether anything was found, they were not liable to put it back together or fix anything broken...

01-05-2010, 03:08 PM
LMAO! I should put mine in my grandmas name too! That would prick with them lol... I hate to say it, but I adopted the "you want me, you catch me" mentality on my bikes. I'm not easy, and not easily caught so if you wanna give me a hard time because I'm not on a harley, then I'm gonna give you an even harder time catching me... I know it isint the smartest thing to do, but it sure feels nice when the cops are the helpless ones for a change. Oh, and if you use your head, you can outrun that damn radio!

thats how i am going to be. i'm tired of being pulled over for no reason. it'a a waste of time.

01-06-2010, 02:02 AM
I know a couple really cool police officers that happen to be members of SBZ.

As a past manager of speed shop, I can tell u They have fast, and interesting cars at home too. And the ones that do are usually the ones who will determine whether you were in the REAL wrong or not.

01-07-2010, 03:20 PM
As a past manager of speed shop, I can tell u They have fast, and interesting cars at home too. And the ones that do are usually the ones who will determine whether you were in the REAL wrong or not.

Most police I have met think their popo cars are the fast and interesting cars. Cops that are into fast cars are far and few in between, and so are the ones that do actually make fair judgment. I have the utmost respect for those that actually are fair, but coming across those are as rare as coming across the ones that also are into fast cars, or bikes....:popcorn:

01-07-2010, 08:44 PM
for the most part, i think i've been fortunate with my cars and cops

i've always run illegal tint and rarely run a front plate

i've peen pulled over once for it and that was up near norwalk.

i've been pulled over 2 times by union and let off with warnings for speeding (both times i don't think i was going much over the limit if it all, but they were cool about it),

i was pulled over in the vette after a 5 hour drive coming back from livernois and was dead tired, and i know my v1 didn't go off. cop pulled me over (clermont county) and said i was speeding, but didn't give me a ticket, i think he just wanted to check the car out.

in my 99 i was speeding once in ky and a female cop gave me an "improper start" ticket for chirping the tires, lol, i paid a lawyer to have it made a "non point" offense, another time in ky i got pulled over going real fast after picking ryan up at the dealership he used to work at

he was on the rear seat delete behind the roll bar. i pulled out and goosed it a sec, then i said "shit, i think thats a cop but i wasn't speeding" ryan said, uh, you hit 80 lol, cop was cool, asked what the car had (99 again), told him, he said pull it off to the side st pop the hood and i'll let ya off with a warning

most recently a very nice officer whom i believe is on this board (don't know who he is ) a state trooper showed me some serious love in the vette.

i did get pulled over by amelia once on a motorcycle because i was "weaving" lol. he said he didn't know if it was because i was a new bike or the dark glasses. i pulled em off and showed him "dark rim" but clear glasses. and i told him i'd had my licesne for over 15 years. i think he saw the temp tag and thought new rider who should have a helmet, easy ticket. when he first pulled me over i asked what for, he wouldn't tell me til after he looked at the license.

i've got a ton of friends that are cops they are all pretty cool, and there are some cops out there that are worthless, it's just like any job, there are a good portion of car salesman that are jerks and will try to rob ya blind, and theres nice guys like me.

i can tell you this though. when you do get pulled over, a positive attitude will go miles and miles ahead of being a prick. when i'm pulled over, my light is on (if it's night) and my hands are at 10-2, when they ask for my license and insurance, i make sure to state that i'm getting it out of the glovebox.

that little bit lets them know you respect them and the job they are doing, cuz to be honest, it's very scary out there and they are fighting for their lives at any given moment

01-08-2010, 10:41 AM
for the most part, i think i've been fortunate with my cars and cops

i've always run illegal tint and rarely run a front plate

i've peen pulled over once for it and that was up near norwalk.

i've been pulled over 2 times by union and let off with warnings for speeding (both times i don't think i was going much over the limit if it all, but they were cool about it),

i was pulled over in the vette after a 5 hour drive coming back from livernois and was dead tired, and i know my v1 didn't go off. cop pulled me over (clermont county) and said i was speeding, but didn't give me a ticket, i think he just wanted to check the car out.

in my 99 i was speeding once in ky and a female cop gave me an "improper start" ticket for chirping the tires, lol, i paid a lawyer to have it made a "non point" offense, another time in ky i got pulled over going real fast after picking ryan up at the dealership he used to work at

he was on the rear seat delete behind the roll bar. i pulled out and goosed it a sec, then i said "shit, i think thats a cop but i wasn't speeding" ryan said, uh, you hit 80 lol, cop was cool, asked what the car had (99 again), told him, he said pull it off to the side st pop the hood and i'll let ya off with a warning

most recently a very nice officer whom i believe is on this board (don't know who he is ) a state trooper showed me some serious love in the vette.
i did get pulled over by amelia once on a motorcycle because i was "weaving" lol. he said he didn't know if it was because i was a new bike or the dark glasses. i pulled em off and showed him "dark rim" but clear glasses. and i told him i'd had my licesne for over 15 years. i think he saw the temp tag and thought new rider who should have a helmet, easy ticket. when he first pulled me over i asked what for, he wouldn't tell me til after he looked at the license.

i've got a ton of friends that are cops they are all pretty cool, and there are some cops out there that are worthless, it's just like any job, there are a good portion of car salesman that are jerks and will try to rob ya blind, and theres nice guys like me.

i can tell you this though. when you do get pulled over, a positive attitude will go miles and miles ahead of being a prick. when i'm pulled over, my light is on (if it's night) and my hands are at 10-2, when they ask for my license and insurance, i make sure to state that i'm getting it out of the glovebox.

that little bit lets them know you respect them and the job they are doing, cuz to be honest, it's very scary out there and they are fighting for their lives at any given moment

Just not right.

01-08-2010, 08:25 PM
I am not even going to tell my stories.....I will just rant for hours!

P.S. Most Middletown Cops are pricks and Trenton Cops thing there Johnny Badd Asses!

01-09-2010, 01:34 AM
There are a millions of pricks all over the world....and yes, a small percentage of them are police officers. I just celebrated my 13th year in law enforcement and I am proud of what I do in spite of those who despise me for the simple fact that I wear a badge....I guess it comes with the territory. I will say that I have served with some of the finest men and women in the world. I've been there when lives were saved, children were removed from atrocious conditions, lives were lost, and a whole lot of other things that will haunt me throughout my life.
Yes, there are officers out there who embarrass me to no end, but they are few and far between. The majority of officers are out there doing a job that only a small percentage can do...and they are doing it well!!! I only ask that those of you who have had bad experiences try to avoid hating the whole for the actions of a few.

01-09-2010, 04:11 PM
There are a millions of pricks all over the world....and yes, a small percentage of them are police officers. I just celebrated my 13th year in law enforcement and I am proud of what I do in spite of those who despise me for the simple fact that I wear a badge....I guess it comes with the territory. I will say that I have served with some of the finest men and women in the world. I've been there when lives were saved, children were removed from atrocious conditions, lives were lost, and a whole lot of other things that will haunt me throughout my life.
Yes, there are officers out there who embarrass me to no end, but they are few and far between. The majority of officers are out there doing a job that only a small percentage can do...and they are doing it well!!! I only ask that those of you who have had bad experiences try to avoid hating the whole for the actions of a few.

I agree with you, and I do thank each and everyone of you for doing that job, allthough that's a choice that each of you make when you enter law enforcement school. We dont ask anyone to become a cop, nor do we ask for the harassment we get for what we drive or ride. You ask us to not judge all law enforcement on the actions of only "a few", but what do we get in return? We get judged as a whole, for the actions of "a few" bad people. It's a 2 lane road that goes either way, we would probably have a better outlook on law enforcement if they had a better outlook on us...

01-09-2010, 04:46 PM
There are a millions of pricks all over the world....and yes, a small percentage of them are police officers. I just celebrated my 13th year in law enforcement and I am proud of what I do in spite of those who despise me for the simple fact that I wear a badge....I guess it comes with the territory. I will say that I have served with some of the finest men and women in the world. I've been there when lives were saved, children were removed from atrocious conditions, lives were lost, and a whole lot of other things that will haunt me throughout my life.
Yes, there are officers out there who embarrass me to no end, but they are few and far between. The majority of officers are out there doing a job that only a small percentage can do...and they are doing it well!!! I only ask that those of you who have had bad experiences try to avoid hating the whole for the actions of a few.

I will have to disagree with you on the small percentage comment. There are more than just a few in middletown. Or is it just all the snot-nosed rookies that think that just because they are police officers they rule the world? And most of these are patroling the streets. This is the reason I feel the way I do.

The seasoned police officers take there job serious, but they know that treating people like a convicted criminal for a traffic stop (for a violation or just to check someone out) won't get them anywhere. The seasoned officer just wants to do there job and go home. The rookies think that they are going to change the world.

I have a question for you since your an officer......why is it that you have to shine every spot light and flashlite in your face when you are trying to pull your license out of your wallet and expect you to see it while being blinded?

I was pulled over for speeding a while back and I asked the officer to shine his flashlight on my wallet so I could see it and he chuckled and kept it shining in my face. I just simply gave him my wallet and said I can't see it for your lights, can you get it? I was at the time trying everything in my power to keep my cool because he was being so rude. But actions like this is why I have problems with local law enforcment. I called the police chief and complained about how the officer acted and he asked me to come in and fill out a report. I did and also got to confront the snot-nosed rookie in the office. I didn't even know what he looked like until that day. He was pissed that I was complaining. I haven't seen him since. (And YES I payed the ticket, complaining didn't get me off the hook, but it did raise some eyebrows about the conduct of thier officers).

Just like INSANEBA said: why is it that the police profile and citizens are not supposed to have a problem with the harrassment?

In conclusion to this post I will say that I understand that officers have to deal with the scum of the earth and idiots. I have alot of respect for that and wish the best for all that have to put there life on the line to protect and serve. I am a foster parent and have to deal with low life parents and take in kids that have been literally through hell and try to just provide a stable atmosphere for them. So all I have to say is GOOD LUCK, and BE SAFE!

01-10-2010, 06:29 AM
I agree with you, and I do thank each and everyone of you for doing that job, allthough that's a choice that each of you make when you enter law enforcement school. We dont ask anyone to become a cop, nor do we ask for the harassment we get for what we drive or ride. You ask us to not judge all law enforcement on the actions of only "a few", but what do we get in return? We get judged as a whole, for the actions of "a few" bad people. It's a 2 lane road that goes either way, we would probably have a better outlook on law enforcement if they had a better outlook on us...


01-10-2010, 11:06 PM
I'm LEO and this thread is point less to no end, we can defend our jobs till were blue in the face and everyone will still think were wrong. So where is this thread going? I see that cops are pricks and make up shit to stop you, screw our cars up when they are searching it, Blah blah. Here's an idea if a cop asks to search your car you can always say no. Ya i'll agree that there are some cops that take thintgs a little far but the majority I work with or know are stand up guys.
Sorry for the rant but come on guys, I hope I didn't make anyone mad.

01-11-2010, 05:28 AM
I'm LEO and this thread is point less to no end, we can defend our jobs till were blue in the face and everyone will still think were wrong. So where is this thread going? I see that cops are pricks and make up shit to stop you, screw our cars up when they are searching it, Blah blah. Here's an idea if a cop asks to search your car you can always say no. Ya i'll agree that there are some cops that take thintgs a little far but the majority I work with or know are stand up guys.
Sorry for the rant but come on guys, I hope I didn't make anyone mad.

I know. That's why I rarely post in threads like this. Fortunately, I've reached a point in my career where I mostly deal with the silent majority who actually like cops. If I reach one person, it was worth the time it took to post up. Stay safe, my friend!

Mista Bone
01-11-2010, 07:35 AM
I am not even going to tell my stories.....I will just rant for hours!

P.S. Most Middletown Cops are pricks and Trenton Cops thing there Johnny Badd Asses!

Did you ever thing about the a-holes they have to deal with out there???

Seems like most people that have issues with cops are being stopped in little "hick" towns and the cops have already dealt with idiots. So they in turn get on the defensive with everyone, to the point of being gung ho. Same can be said for the person always getting pulled over for tint or front plate thinking the cops are out to harass them.

I've been "profiled" once, Imagine driving a noisy Honda on Rt 50 in Mariemont head towards BASZ nose candy central, I got pulled over for no rear bumper (cover). The steel bar was still there and the cop got a chuckle about my BASZ comments.

Felony stop, I've had that done to me. Wasn't fun, but once explained to me why, I understood fully. BTW having a Target World shooting card in your wallet and the cops are looking for blue Honda involved in an attempted armed robbery.....yeah.

Cop (Deep Park Chief of Police) apologized, explained his actions, escorted me home to Madeira.

I will say this, Ohio State Patrol seem to be the most professional and courteous of all the cops I've been pulled over by.

The list is long........

Mista Bone
01-11-2010, 07:44 AM
I'm LEO and this thread is point less to no end, we can defend our jobs till were blue in the face and everyone will still think were wrong. So where is this thread going? I see that cops are pricks and make up shit to stop you, screw our cars up when they are searching it, Blah blah. Here's an idea if a cop asks to search your car you can always say no. Ya i'll agree that there are some cops that take thintgs a little far but the majority I work with or know are stand up guys.
Sorry for the rant but come on guys, I hope I didn't make anyone mad.

Yes, I can say no to the search. It is how you answer the question that the cops will react. If you as a LEO even get a whiff of weed or alcohol, you're gonna ask the easy question and await the reply.

I've been pulled over for OVI, cop came to window, smelled the fumes from fiberglass work (sub box) and walked me back to his cruiser. He asked to search my car, I agreed. He saw the sub box I was making, allowed the car to air out and me to get fresh air sitting in his cruiser, in the front passenger seat. Due to working all day in the fumes, I was higher than a kite, worst headache ever afterwards when I got home!

Note: If you are glassing in a sub box, the resin might not kick over once the sun starts to go down and air temp drops.

01-11-2010, 09:48 AM
There are a millions of pricks all over the world....and yes, a small percentage of them are police officers. I just celebrated my 13th year in law enforcement and I am proud of what I do in spite of those who despise me for the simple fact that I wear a badge....I guess it comes with the territory. I will say that I have served with some of the finest men and women in the world. I've been there when lives were saved, children were removed from atrocious conditions, lives were lost, and a whole lot of other things that will haunt me throughout my life.
Yes, there are officers out there who embarrass me to no end, but they are few and far between. The majority of officers are out there doing a job that only a small percentage can do...and they are doing it well!!! I only ask that those of you who have had bad experiences try to avoid hating the whole for the actions of a few.

:yup: I'd like to say Thank You for doing a tough job out there.

My son is in the Explores program and loves it. He wants to persue a carrer in Customs and Boarder Patrol and is working with them out at CVG. His main interst is K-9 right now but that can change over the next 5 years :D

01-11-2010, 11:31 AM
I'm not trying to degrade the law enforcement as a whole for doing a job that we need them to do, and they choose to do at all. As I said earlier, I do appreciate them ever so much for it, and the little hick town comment is correct. State Highway patrol is by far the most professional bunch, and I have met a good share of local cops and sheriffs that are cool in my book. This rant is about those few that are the pricks that keep dicking with people because of their car profiling. No hard feelings twoards any bangerz that are in the laws enforcement area, we love you first because you are a banger, and secondly because you are a banger lol. We know you have a job to do, and we also know we have a set of rules to follow. If we do wrong, nail us! Hopefully it's just a slap on the wrist, especially if you are one of us lol. Just like 98mustanggt said, this is a thread, in the Rant section. So dont take personal offense if you arent in the elite groupe of pricks behind a badge over this rant. Instead, post up and rant about the stupidity you too have dealt with, or just laugh at our ignorance. Once more, no offense to any of you, that was intended for the asshats that we are all bitching about. By the way, I'm bitching about a bunch of hick town popo's in podunk Hardin and Allen County. I havent ever had trouble in Cincy or Dayton area... Thanks for that, especially since I watch my p's and q's down there lol!

01-11-2010, 08:52 PM
One night at 3 am in the snow I went down to the Owensville BP in my ranger (with no weight in the back) to get a gallon of milk for the baby. When I leave owensville's finest pulls me over just outside of town. I asked why and I got the screaming "license and registration" Now I'm assuming this guy is really bored now so this is probably going to be interesting. Finally he comes back and says "you didn't do anythign wrong you have a license plate light out" I start to open my door. He slams my door on me and tells me to stay in the car until he leaves. I questioned why he would tell me I have a light out but not let me see it. Well after the arguing and realization that I am a small but apparently "scary" man, he starts to take off. At which point I start to get out of the truck. He stops his car in the middle of the road. Throws his gun over the hood like it was a movie and tells me to get back in the vehicle. I pout my hands straight up in the air, walked straight at him and told him he was a psycho!!!!
He calmy got in his car and left, no light were out.

01-11-2010, 09:03 PM

01-11-2010, 10:29 PM
Just another example of abuse of powers. Lucky you didn't get shot. I hope you filed a report. If things like that happen and no one files a report then the Leo's head gets bigger and he keeps up with the bs. People need to stand up and do what's right and get the bad apples out.

01-11-2010, 11:08 PM
One night at 3 am in the snow I went down to the Owensville BP in my ranger (with no weight in the back) to get a gallon of milk for the baby. When I leave owensville's finest pulls me over just outside of town. I asked why and I got the screaming "license and registration" Now I'm assuming this guy is really bored now so this is probably going to be interesting. Finally he comes back and says "you didn't do anythign wrong you have a license plate light out" I start to open my door. He slams my door on me and tells me to stay in the car until he leaves. I questioned why he would tell me I have a light out but not let me see it. Well after the arguing and realization that I am a small but apparently "scary" man, he starts to take off. At which point I start to get out of the truck. He stops his car in the middle of the road. Throws his gun over the hood like it was a movie and tells me to get back in the vehicle. I pout my hands straight up in the air, walked straight at him and told him he was a psycho!!!!
He calmy got in his car and left, no light were out.

In cases like this file a complaint with his supervisor. When its comes to dealing with the public they take being professional very seriously. He may not be disciplined initially but when other complaints are made they will start to monitor his behavior. With all departments being short handed and working with less money the old practise of placing the rookies with the older more experienced police officers doesnt happen as often or as long. New officers regard ever incident as a situation or violation. They sometimes forget the human factor that older more experienced officers take into consideration.

01-11-2010, 11:13 PM
I guess I left out the funny part of the story. The very next day I was going to lunch at subway. That officer was walking to the door at the same time I was. He stopped held the door for me and stood outside. Just inside the door was the chief, who I considered to be a fair man (RIP, he died a hero in the ice storm last year). He saw what happened at the door and asked me "what was that all about?" I told him the story and he said he would take care of it. I don't know what he did but that officer doesn't work in Owensville anymore.

01-12-2010, 10:25 AM
I guess I left out the funny part of the story. The very next day I was going to lunch at subway. That officer was walking to the door at the same time I was. He stopped held the door for me and stood outside. Just inside the door was the chief, who I considered to be a fair man (RIP, he died a hero in the ice storm last year). He saw what happened at the door and asked me "what was that all about?" I told him the story and he said he would take care of it. I don't know what he did but that officer doesn't work in Owensville anymore.
Alanand they all lived happly ever after

01-13-2010, 07:20 AM
and they all lived happly ever after

Owensville isn't doing to bad, it is very unfortunate what happened to the chief however. Like any place rookies seem to cause the most trouble. There is nothing worse than a rookie who became a cop because he was tired of getting picked on in highschool and now has a gun and badge, ready to make the world suffer.