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roll on arthritis relief???? yea right [Archive] - StangBangerz Forums


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05-22-2010, 05:34 PM
So I forgot to take my weekly enbrel shot and my right ankle was swollen up and killing me this morning. I was sitting downstairs watching TV and saw an add for some capsaicin roll on arthritis relief. I figured I would try it and see. The wife went to wal-greens and got some. It cost 9.99. I put it on and after about 30 min it felt warm. Then a while later is got hot. After a little more time it went back to warm. I thought great it must be working. My ankle still hurt but its doing something.... I did notice that whenever i would move my foot the burning got a bit more intense. So I decide to get the bike out and go for a ride. I get half a block away and the pain it so bad I have to turn around. I get home and pull my sock off and it looks like my damn ankle was sun burnt. Every where i rolled this liquid fire was very red. So an hour later after running it under cold water and putting aloe on it it feels better. I guess I am putting this up here so if anyone want to try some maybe just pass. But if you really want to let me know. You can have the rest of this.

Says its made from hot peppers. lol

05-22-2010, 05:58 PM
That one was supposed to be a personal lubricant. :)

05-22-2010, 05:59 PM
Good to know. I'm gonna get it bad in my hands from punching stuff and i've already got it in my shoulders/knees/ankles from riding bikes lol.

05-22-2010, 11:02 PM
Stuff is a joke..... unbearable pain

Mista Bone
05-23-2010, 01:16 AM
Wait until you get a gout flare up, then you'll see what pain really is.

05-23-2010, 01:44 AM
And there goes bone, one upping ya. You guys can't have pain! Cause I've had worse!!

Mista Bone
05-23-2010, 04:10 AM
I deal with Arthur daily, product of working on concrete floors for 20 years.

I'd rather pass kidney stones than get a major gout flare up.

05-23-2010, 10:12 AM
Op. I feel your pain I've got a jacked up ankle. Had ankle ligament reconstruction surgery in 03. It tightened up the ligaments but they missed some other stuff. Ankle is swollen and has limited movements now. It needs another surgery but I've been pushing it off. One day I'm going to have to do it and its going to cost 6 months of my life to recover. As of now I just deal with the pain and very limited movement the best I can.

05-23-2010, 12:41 PM
Op. I feel your pain I've got a jacked up ankle. Had ankle ligament reconstruction surgery in 03. It tightened up the ligaments but they missed some other stuff. Ankle is swollen and has limited movements now. It needs another surgery but I've been pushing it off. One day I'm going to have to do it and its going to cost 6 months of my life to recover. As of now I just deal with the pain and very limited movement the best I can.

It sucks I hope you get better. FAST. And bone... Thank you for doing your best impression of a first grader. I dont feel one upped but unless you have psoradic arthritis you really have no damn idea. I put a needle in my stomach every week just so i only hurt some of the time. I have had gout one time and it does hurt bad but this is a bit different. Read up on it and if you still feel the need to measure dicks let me know.

Mista Bone
05-23-2010, 03:45 PM
gout is the worst pain I've felt.

People who've been through back surgery and such, I know they hurt but I've not felt that level of pain.

Nor do I ever want to!

05-24-2010, 03:20 PM
Back pain is rediculous.I dont wish that on any one.When it hit me,I laid on the floor for abour 3.5 hours.Then finally got enough courage to make my way to the couch and claw my way up.I put back pain from a 1-10 scale,(10 being the worst) a 26.It is unbearable pain.

05-24-2010, 03:41 PM
Back pain is rediculous.I dont wish that on any one.When it hit me,I laid on the floor for abour 3.5 hours.Then finally got enough courage to make my way to the couch and claw my way up.I put back pain from a 1-10 scale,(10 being the worst) a 26.It is unbearable pain.

I feel ya Face..... I was moving a couch that weighs about a ton and a half this weekend and as soon as I lifted It I heard three pops, as long as I'm doing one of the other standing or sitting i'm fine but as soon as I try to stand after sitting my god it about brings me to tears........ percs arent even touching the pain at all.......

05-24-2010, 03:49 PM
Mine happened while eating a bowl of cereal on the couch.

05-24-2010, 04:13 PM
Mine happened while eating a bowl of cereal on the couch.

must have been one hell of a bowl of cereal....... j/k

Mista Bone
05-25-2010, 02:02 AM
I did this tonight.......

cooking your arm on the intake manifold for 15-20 seconds, not a good idea.

Here's my sign! Scary thing it, I didn't panic or really feel much pain until 5-10 minutes later, then only for then next hour or two.

The say redheads have low pain threshold.....or we are just stupid. The bare area missing on my is on the intake manifold, nice and crispy.

05-25-2010, 02:32 AM
thats nasty. maybe you should either have someone help you work on hot things or wate till they cool down.

Mista Bone
05-25-2010, 03:22 AM
It was during my courier route, I had a 10 minute gap, trying to chase a bad wire or short, I didn't have time to wait. When I went for the connector, the vet had just put out their samples.

Different people have different levels of pain from different sources. For you it is arthritis, for me it is gout. If your P.A. is worse than my worst gout flare up, F@CK THAT!

Facemelter71 at QS&L walking with a cane due to back pain, that even made my nuts suck up inside because I knew my back pain from before was nothing to what he was feeling.

05-25-2010, 06:29 AM
I did this tonight.......

cooking your arm on the intake manifold for 15-20 seconds, not a good idea.

Here's my sign! Scary thing it, I didn't panic or really feel much pain until 5-10 minutes later, then only for then next hour or two.

The say redheads have low pain threshold.....or we are just stupid. The bare area missing on my is on the intake manifold, nice and crispy.

Mythbusters proved the contrary to that. The myth was busted.

05-25-2010, 11:36 AM
Ouch, you need silverdine(sp) for that. I literally burned my titty off when my shirt caught fire(long story complicated by a guy I worked with) and the only thing they gave me any relief was a burn cream called silverdine. I have to say the most painful thing I have dealt with is my back. Sharp pains shooting down my hip and leg, inability to stand at certain times and violent muscle spasms. Of course I shaved so I'm not a redhead anymore :P For some reason my facial hair comes in red, my mom is a red head.....

05-25-2010, 12:53 PM
It was during my courier route, I had a 10 minute gap, trying to chase a bad wire or short, I didn't have time to wait. When I went for the connector, the vet had just put out their samples.

Different people have different levels of pain from different sources. For you it is arthritis, for me it is gout. If your P.A. is worse than my worst gout flare up, F@CK THAT!

Facemelter71 at QS&L walking with a cane due to back pain, that even made my nuts suck up inside because I knew my back pain from before was nothing to what he was feeling.

I am so glad Im past that.Thanks again Alan and Kim for helping me.My pain was so bad,I couldnt walk or get around.I needed a cane to help me walk.I was on Vicodin, Naproxen,and some thing else I cant remember.When I was at the cruise in,it was pretty painful.But I wanted to be there.

The pain I had was in my leg.Even though my back was FUBAR'ed its my leg that has pain in it.The best I can describe the pain.Hmmmm.Take a blade the size of one from Rambo,heat it with a torch till its glowing and stab that basterd right in the back if your thigh.Leave it there for 3 months. I almost passed out from farting.It was bad.

05-25-2010, 04:10 PM
My description of the leg pain is feeling like I have an axe stuck in my leg. That really isn't the worst of it. The worst is the muscle spasms. My doctor put me on Tylenol 3 at first which was a complete and utter waste of my time. They had me on neurotin for over a year which while it did work a little it made me drowsy and then I learned it is really addictive. I forgot to get my prescription filled and didn't take any one day and I was standing there talking to someone when I suddenly hit the ground...hard. I hav been trying to think of the name of some stuff I bought from tractor supply that helped a little. Vicodin won't help much, well at least they don't work for me. I ate ibuprofen like candy for nearly a year until they finally put me on percocet. With that they expect them to last 8 hours and they last about 4-5....The doctor doesn't care. If they try to send you to pain management just get your regular doctor to handle it. Pain management is a joke. All this guy is concerned with is that you pas a drug test and what he can charge the insurance company for. Your relief doesn't matter unless it is something he can charge the insurance company for. The injections he had me do made me worse instead of better. I guess the other thign you were on was cyclobenzaprene(sp) otherwise know as flexoril, decent muscle relaxer however I became immune to it after about 4 months and now I take zanaflex

05-25-2010, 04:23 PM
That was it.Flexoril.The little small pill. Yea I had taken that.I was taking Vic,Naproxen,and flexoril and it didnt even make a dent in the pain. I had finally come across some percocet and valiums from the ER after my pain had gotten so bad.That kinda took the edge off.Vics wont even begin to touch the pain.not even two at the same time.

05-25-2010, 10:04 PM
I did this tonight.......

cooking your arm on the intake manifold for 15-20 seconds, not a good idea.

Here's my sign! Scary thing it, I didn't panic or really feel much pain until 5-10 minutes later, then only for then next hour or two.

The say redheads have low pain threshold.....or we are just stupid. The bare area missing on my is on the intake manifold, nice and crispy.

Looks like it could be a 3rd degree burn, in which case, it doesn't hurt because you destroyed the nerve endings that were in the skin.


Mista Bone
05-25-2010, 11:03 PM
Third degree would have had more "charring" or white skin around the area.

I've seen someone with bad burns......this is just a minor flesh wound!

05-26-2010, 10:32 PM
This thread quickly turned into "an afternoon at the Old Folks Home"...

Sean, capsaicin is from hot peppers...
i was packing a salad for lunch one evening, and I was running late. I sliced some fresh picked jalapeno's and tossed them into the salad, and rinsed off my hands. Just before darting out the door for work, I had to take a whiz...Half way to work, my cock was on FIRE, and unbearable! I had to stop at a gas station and wash it off with soap. Lesson learned...think of what that shit does to your insides when you eat hot peppers!

05-26-2010, 11:02 PM
lol yea I got it in my eye several times rubbing them. I thought I washed it all off but guess not. That hurt. I dont see how in the hell that roll on stuff is suposed to do anything. what a waste. I sat there with this burning ankle that still hurt and I couldnt walk much on. Oh well the shot is taking some affect now and I should be able to walk in a few more days. Woo hoo.

Mista Bone
05-29-2010, 06:55 AM
When you can see the pain on someone's face and it states, please kill me, yeah I want no part of that.

Minor update on my burns, been about 5 days, time to soak and remove the old dead skin. This was easy since I'm also having a gout flare up in left ankle. Grab 3 cold beers and go soak in the tub!!!!!

Get out, dry everything off, trim the dead skin as needed, time to flush the area with either peroxide or rubbing alcohol only I can't find any in Mom's cabinets. I know that since this flesh is bare it needs antiseptic ASAP then clean dry gauze.

Well, my burns won't have any issue with bad breath or gingivitis, Listerine is a great backup for cleaning wounds.

Thats when I pissed myself slightly, which is a good side, means the burns weren't are deep as first thought.

BTW, I helped care for a friend who had SEVERE burns from gasoline + lawn mower and got the dunk and scrub treatment at Shriner's. The people that care for them at Shriner's, I cannot fathom how they deal with the screams of the burned getting treated, they are true heros IMHO as well as all emergency staff.

05-29-2010, 05:50 PM
gout is the worst pain I've felt.

You got that right.
I am on week #2 of a Gout flare-up, hobbling around like an old man in pain.

Squale iii
05-29-2010, 06:12 PM
I got a bum knee and wrist...but I guess living with discomfort isn't as bad as what ya'll got cuz I can function 95% of the time lol. Sorry bout your luck!