View Full Version : N2MB WOT box?

06-04-2010, 12:40 AM
I have been looking at these videos of mustangs and all sorts of turbo cars with an n2mb WOT box. I have a good idea of what it is and how it works. I was curious if anyone on here is running with one and what you thought about it. The 2step would be fun for launches, and I bet the no lift shit thing would be a ton of fun and maybe help your transmission out. Looks like they around 170 bucks. Would this interfere with my car if I later bought an actual tuner for it? And would I have to have a performance shop install it, or is it something you could do yourself? Any help/suggestions would be appreciated. fyi: I know this would be useless on my car, but different.

06-04-2010, 08:12 AM
I had one in my car while it was a stick. I never did get it dialed in. I had trouble getting the 2 step to activate when staging. They were pretty helpful and I think we figured out the problem but I never got a chance to test it. They thought that it was lockout the 2 step as I was trying to bump in to the staging beams. The lockout can be turned off in the software but the tracks all closed last year before I could test it out.

I believe Beefcake has one in his 2010.

06-04-2010, 05:03 PM
Yeah talk to Beef. He has one and mine will be shortly, I hope!:rolleyes: