View Full Version : need some help

06-04-2010, 12:57 PM
hey I know alot of you dont know or remember me, but i have been a member here for quite awhile, recently we were flooded here in Tenn and I lost everything, and with no insurance I have been in serious trouble, im not one to ask anyone for anything, but im not alone, my wife Vianny is 4 weeks prego, we lost one baby due to miscarriage 6 months ago and Im afraid the stress of our situation might cause this to happen again so Im asking for help....I dont have alot of food, I was fired from my job because a co worker called my wife a bitch and well Ill let you use your imagination there, so im out of a job right now too...

I know this is asking alot from people who dont know me, or my wife but I have faith somehow someway someone will step up and help us out.

If you might be willing to send a small donation, vct.solutions@gmail.com

if youd like my address its 300 N royal Oaks BLVD apt 1214 Franklin TN 37067
but today we are evicted and we are moving out as I write this, and I dont have anywhere to go except for my dads and he lives 400 miles away and I have 60$ to my name, so i dont even know how ill get there... cry me a river i quess but im thinking of my wife and my baby
