View Full Version : Westchester fatal crash maybe? Or homicide?

01-22-2011, 12:55 PM
I was just coming back from dayton and i was going threw westchester to station road and on the right of station road was like 8 westchester cops and they had the road blocked off and behind the cruisers was a moving truck and a new ford pickup truck behind the moving truck. News 5,, 12,,9 were all there filming a westchester cop and it looked like there was a body behind the moving truck and it also looked like the moving truck might of caught fire? The back of the moving truck door was opened and there was a cop werein a green coat saying detecive on his back and he was taking pics of under the moving truck,, I thought maybe the ford truck hit the moving truck but i did not see no damage to the ford truck. My buddy is a cop and we were talking about it and he said maybe there was a body in the back of the moving truck and someone set it on fire and the guy in the ford truck stopped too help and opened up the back and boom a dead body like someone was trying too cover up something? Well the news was there when I went buy at 11:30 am today and i guess we will see what really happend on the news tonight.:(

01-22-2011, 02:10 PM
Channel 9 is saying the truck ran into the back of the moving truck pinning the dead guy in between the two trucks.

01-22-2011, 03:11 PM
Well there it is guys case solved. I knew something was all bad when I seen the scene.