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View Full Version : Ammo Crunch coming??

Pops Fun
03-10-2012, 06:35 PM
From what I hear there is another ammo crunch coming, just went out and bought some..:D Hope it's a lot shorter than 2008

Tactical Defense Solutions LLC <info@tds-us.com>

A week or so ago I posted a Comm Center (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109470700091&s=4891&e=001kKRjX9XR80rQZjFxdEa01mm_awfiyv3G9cif2olAqb05L jT0j4Rq6rJgbNbifQM196ICNkao3XdkO7zzCRCZHn40sDETnwg cQQP1Qp26WA-N_k1gTOM9nMy85GOMBjqouD8UlRK5fFU=) piece entitled Here We Go Again (http://r20.rs6.net/tn.jsp?et=1109470700091&s=4891&e=001kKRjX9XR80pOyWx9V_LFMWAql8K7DFRUuZKkscW_rP3fg NYSN96fi10OrzX0C4PHRtGDvlt6U4rTK3gJT-aDTPhk2aBi80_q7vAUkBx6nvWkxHhHgzdwA36Pit-mtzqRhe4V1B4QyNGr2A1yA60G7EGoWLfSKqHPwLbo-LNrulLQlARX9JrOLlNPys8LKtkG). In it I explained what we were about to see in the industry and cited other folks who were expecting the same things.
Since then the insanity escalation has jumped to full bore.

I called Stag Arms Monday to check on an existing order and got an answering machine. I got my call back this morning (Wednesday). The answer was an echo of what I'd received from YHM earlier this week - all new orders are backordered SIX (6) months!
YHM wont even take an order for lowers stripped or completed. Uppers are capable of being ordered but delivery can't even be quoted.
Graf & Sons

03-10-2012, 07:31 PM
Prices went up about 6 months ago. I wouldn't be surprised if it goes up again. Our cost on some ammo already went up, our distributors aren't buying this particular ammo and caliber, hoping to convince the manufacturer to drop the price back down. Hopefully that plan of action works.

It's not just ammo. Last week S&W upped prices on their body guard, for example.

This is why I shoot predominantly Soviet surplus calibers - buy cheap, stack deep.