View Full Version : Bose sound cx ear buds! WOW!!!

11-04-2013, 07:19 PM
Been wanting to test out a pair of these noise cancelling ear buds that Bose has out currently. Man alive! Those things work phenom!!! Was at the mall today and tried them. The guy had me put them on with no music. They just sat lightly in my ear and his voice went from audible to barely able to hear what he was saying while he stood 2 feet from me. Then he turned on the music real low and it was as if everything aside from the music died. WOW!!! You wouldn't be able to hear a Saturn V rocket launch next door with these things on I don't think. I could not get over it. They also have a switch on the that reduces the sound cancelling that is almost as if you removed them from your ear if you were wanting to speak to someone.

Now for the bad news $299.99 for these critters. I think that the price is steep, however it may help me get better sleep with my tinnitus I have developed over recent years causing me sleep issues. Not to mention the street we live on and the fact that I sleep very light to begin with.

if you are ever bored at the mall and walk by a Bose store swing in and try these things just for fun. They are awesome.