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Thread: In Indy for Coyote Tuning Training Course

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Springboro, OH

    In Indy for Coyote Tuning Training Course

    Here in Indy taking a 3 day class on nothing but coyote training. Learning a ton. Lots of questions being answered. Gonna have some fun with my 12 while I'm up here. Then put it on the dyno and see what kind of improvements it makes. Can't wait to start tuning more of these now. Got a 14 coming in on Monday.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Milford OH
    Quote Originally Posted by NXcoupe View Post
    Here in Indy taking a 3 day class on nothing but coyote training. Learning a ton. Lots of questions being answered. Gonna have some fun with my 12 while I'm up here. Then put it on the dyno and see what kind of improvements it makes. Can't wait to start tuning more of these now. Got a 14 coming in on Monday.
    Who is instructing the class ? The coyote is a complex platform for sure....I'm sure it takes awhile to learn ?
    93 Coupe
    66 Fastback

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Springboro, OH
    I've already tuned quite a few, just trying to get more info and provide the best service I can. Today was 11 hours, then there's two more days. Very complex, not for the weak minded. I brought my 12 with me to try some of the new stuff out on. I'm looking at flex fuel tunes right now, tomorrow is ghost cams, and more of the cam timing strategy.
    Adam Marrer, Kevin Hand, and Adam Brown are the instructors. Most of the guys in the class have been to two or three of them. It's a pretty high level class, which is what I wanted. I've been tuning for 10 years with SCT, so I'm not new to it, just wanted to be able to get more out of these cars.
    Last edited by NXcoupe; 12-09-2015 at 12:09 AM.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Get a chance to slip away the Slippery Noodle is a great blues club to check out.

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Springboro, OH
    Nah, class ended after 8 and by the time I got to my room it was 830 or so. I made a sandwich and got on the software going over my notes and working on the tune for my car. Can't wait to get back on the dyno.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Middletown ohio
    After Chicago and Milwaukee, indy is my favorite city to be in. Good good times! Enjoy your stay, learn as much as you can, only makes your services more valuable.
    86. Gt. 4 eyes baby!
    92 lx convertible
    96 Chevy cavalier (rip)
    99 Eddie bauer expedition. Alive again !!
    08 gmc Yukon Denali xl.
    98 Buick park ave. (61k miles)
    93 notch.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Springboro, OH

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Williamsburg, Ohio
    Hopefully youll get some good info on tuning the control packs too for the coyote swaps. Im assuming thats not too different though.
    2011 F150 FX4 SCREW EB
    1997 Cobra Coyote Swap w/IRS project in progress slowly....
    89 Mustang SSP 5.0 Turbo -Gone
    03 SVT Focus Turbo -Gone

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Springboro, OH
    Got the code, our supercharged race car is running the control pack, so I will be ready.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    I wish my Mark Viii had a supercharged coyote and a 6 speed in it....

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Springboro, OH
    Well, my coyote is a little tipsy now, it's on E85 now. Runs like a raped ape. I love it. Going to get it on the dyno here this week and make some pulls and finalize the tune to get the most out of it. Have a 14 auto on the rollers now and going to see what I can get out of it now, and it's gonna snap your neck when it shifts after it leaves. He'll have a race tune and a street tune, with the shifts dumbed down a bit. Can't wait.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Springboro, OH
    Retuning a 14 auto car I did a while back. I told the customer I would redo the tune after this class free of charge so I could practice what I learned. Best it made before was 381, first pull with the initial tune after class was 397. I think there's more in it, but time will tell. I'm excited and can't wait to do more of these. My personal coyote is running like a raped ape. I love driving it now. Lot's of the quirks from the stock tune are gone now and I'm really liking it. More as I progress.....

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    west union,oh
    Quote Originally Posted by NXcoupe View Post
    Retuning a 14 auto car I did a while back. I told the customer I would redo the tune after this class free of charge so I could practice what I learned. Best it made before was 381, first pull with the initial tune after class was 397. I think there's more in it, but time will tell. I'm excited and can't wait to do more of these. My personal coyote is running like a raped ape. I love driving it now. Lot's of the quirks from the stock tune are gone now and I'm really liking it. More as I progress.....
    It would be nice to hear success stories,all I've heard over the years about this guy,that guy,is one person had a good experience then 10 ppl didnt,alot of praisers,then a couple of haters,even some of the dyno guys on here are /have been discussed quite frequently. ..I hope you get the edge so ppl will have somewhere trusted and proven to go..
    Buy made in USA!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Springboro, OH
    That's always been my goal.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Does one have to own a shop to attend this class? Sct only or do they touch on HPtuners ?

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