Quote Originally Posted by redfirepearlgt View Post
Appreciate the offer. I'm good in that aspect. No issues paying for a movie. I use VUDU when I buy one so I can protect the disks unless I want to watch the movie with fully uncompressed. The DVD player and the TV both have VUDU access on them. The TV upgrade of VUDU supports UHD though the DVD unit will not and the app is not upgradable for some reason. I just need to get the audio return set up so I can play back into the head unit from the TV as the source. I plan to KISS and have run an optic cable to provide an audio out return from the TV into AUDIO1 input and set it up for optical connection. Just a matter of getting the connections terminated and make the setup changes on the YAMAHA unit.
I've seen the various streaming/hosting/digital copy repositories come and go. Mostly they go. All the Disney movies sold for a decade+ had a promised digital copy that you could stream- not anymore. That's shit gone and dead. After watching a half dozen similar services simply vanish, I decided I'm just going to create my own. It will always work, even when the internet is down.

I'm at approx 4 TB of data on my NAS, holding around 125 BR discs ISO backups + 4K encoded files of the main movie.

Data hoarding is the new hotness! He who dies with the most data wins.