So as of Tuesday Ill have been sick for a week, and in my boredom i felt the need, no, i felt obligated to watch Mad Max Road Warrior, seeing as how im pretty much feeling like complete crap and staying close to the house since the sinus infection of all sinus infections has me in check. Anyhow Ive had the urge to watch this movie for like going on a 2 weeks, and my quest to almost every video rental store in the county has turned up the big goose egg, they all had Mad Max 1!!!. So I break and head to Best Buy where i wander aimlessly in the video section for close to an hour before i see anyone remotely close to being able to help me... damn, that was a bitch, they were busier than hell, Only to find out that indeed they too did not have this movie...

They had one better.... Mad Max Road Warrior, AND Beyond Thunderdome!!!


I get home and proceed to watch Mad Max 1, then Road Warrior, then Beyond Thunderdome all in a row... but ya know what pissed me off the most?

Max's F'ing Falcon gets ran off the road, rolled down a hill and blown up (that, and Thunderdome wasnt that good).

Sorry, but that just pissed me off, the car didnt even see that much time in the damn movie... and it was completely badassed!! but oh well, as you all can tell, being sick for a week has got me pretty damn bored.

So all in all as meaningless as this rant was, im pretty much ranting about being sick, poor selection at video joints, having to wait and wait at Best Buy, and then the icing on the cake was the Falcon... I know what you are thinkin and yes ive seen the movie before and i remember it being destroyed, but it still grinds my gears...

That is all.