i hope for some low 8s next year with new multi stages . i think IT PEOPLE POST THERE TIMES it will be preety fast
  • tino low 8s high 7s
  • jim- low 8s high 7s
  • brad - high 9s hahahah j/k mid to low 8s
  • foss - mid to high 8s
  • jeff - high 8s
  • jr outlaw - mid to low 8s - if he sprays that bitch ....
Those are the people with new combos that have the potental to be that fast if they do will remain to be seen . Plus you have all them middletown boys that should be done with there projects they have been workin on and the should be fast to . looks like it might be a good year . be cool as hell to see the bump about 9.70 . i say lets see if we can make vinny proud and get this list FAST !!!