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Thread: June '17 statehouse gun bills

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Cincinnati, Ohio

    June '17 statehouse gun bills

    *** Make your voice heard! ***
    FIVE gun bills have hearings this week in the Ohio House committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations, beginning Tuesday June 20, at 2:00 pm in Room 115 at the Statehouse.

    Please attend if you can, offer testimony if you are so inclined.
    The antis will be out in full force, let us make sure their voice isn't the only one heard!

    As always, if you wish to submit written testimony, we will make sure it gets to the committee. Just message us with your testimony.
    The bills are:
    HB 79 - Provide for firearms training for tactical medical professionals…

    HB 142 - Repealing notification…

    HB 201 - Constitutional Carry…

    HB 228 - Removes duty to retreat and much more…

    HB 233 - Rep. Becker's DEFEND bill, decriminalizes CPZs…

    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Springboro, OH
    Go get em!

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio

    Uecker Introduces Bill Supporting Rights Of Ohioans To Defend Themselves And Their Families

    As usual politicians more slow... You would think that with Republican majorities things would more along... not so
    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  4. #4
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    Playing with transmissions
    How is the "no retreat" for the Castle doctrine doing? I know it was a sticking point for car couriers such as I was.

  5. #5
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    I think it passed the house, now in the senate, stalled, in committee. they usually do things at the end of the year,
    at least gun stuff.

    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  6. #6
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Looks like HB142 is being watered down. We have a majority in there but they are cowards...
    Still if it passes will be better that the current vague words.. Baby steps...

    Modifies the notification requirements so that, when a law enforcement officer or employee of

    the motor carrier enforcement unit stops a person who is carrying a concealed handgunand
    requests the person's driver's license or state identification card ("ID"), the person must do both
    of the following:

    (1) Display the person's concealed handgun license or documents demonstrating the person
    to be a qualified military member with the driver's license or state ID, or orally inform the officer or
    employee, at the same time as displaying the driver's license or state ID, that the person has
    been issued a concealed handgun license or is authorized to carry a concealed handgun as an
    active duty military member;

    (2) Disclose that the person then is carrying a concealed handgun or has a loaded handgun in
    the motor vehicle (R.C. 2923.12(B)(1), 2923.126(A), and 2923.16(E)(1) and(2)).
    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Ohioans for Concealed Carry.

    This is the Sub Bill HB 142, which was adopted by the Ohio House Federalism and Interstate Relation Committee adopted yesterday. A vote to pass it out of committee onto the House floor is expected next week.
    Watch this page for details as soon as we get them.

    We OFCC had a good bill, doing away with notification then it got watered down. Buckeye firearms says it a good bill now, I want to throw up. The big problem is the state highway patrol.... the big shots are against concealed carry and it's all political.
    This is a down load of the proposed law. Two good things, takes the notification time out of the law and makes it a minor misdemeanor, with $500 fine.. Baby steps, but in the right direction.

    Sub HB 142.pdf

    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  8. #8
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    Playing with transmissions
    Link is not working, AV flagged it. Asking me to log into FB when I'm already there.

  9. #9
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    See if this works

    Oh yeah, NRA thinks Ohio is in OKie....

    Tuesday September 19, 2017
    3:00PM in Room 115
    2 Capitol Square
    Columbus, OK 43215

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Politicians can mess up a wet dream...

    Ohio's Premier Grassroots Organization Fighting to Protect, Reform and Expand Gun Rights for All Citizens since 1999

    Call to action! Sub HB 142 Must Be Stopped!
    Fellow freedom loving Ohioans,
    In accordance with our members wishes, OFCC actively advocated for a bill to repeal the odious requirement to notify law enforcement every time we had an encounter with them. That bill is HB 142, introduced by our friend, Representative Scott Wiggam, and after FIVE hearings in the House Federalism and Interstate Relations Committee, our bill was compromised into what is now called Sub HB 142.

    Shadowy forces in the background of the Ohio House pushed this compromise language and here's why it is the wrong thing to do.

    Problems with Sub HB 142:

    1. Current precedent of the Ohio Supreme Court (City of Niles v. Howard, 12 Ohio St. 3d 162) says that municipalities can increase an offense listed in the ORC as a minor misdemeanor to a first degree misdemeanor, even in the case of general laws which are exempted from Home Rule.

    Said another way: Even if this passes and becomes law, all the anti-gun areas of the state can simply write their own statutes using the same language, but change the penalty from "minor misdemeanor" to "first degree misdemeanor". Once they figure out they can do that, you can bet they will do that.

    2. Upon demand for ID, CHL holder must still interrupt officer and tell him they are armed. Still no right to remain silent. Further, if CHL holder doesn't have is license on his person, it is an arrestible offense.

    3. It will be nearly impossible to get rid of

    4. The name of the crime for failing to notify is "carrying concealed weapons"
    *Page 5, ORC 2923.12 (F)
    This "$25 ticket" has to potential to impact employment in many fields.

    5. It costs more to fight than the penalty. This will encourage more tickets and fewer people to challenge them.

    6. Adds confusion in that if an officer asks a person for their ID the person must give more than ID or get a ticket. How are out of state drivers to know? How will more than half a million Ohioans know?

    7. The SUPPOSED purpose of this law is "officer safety". Why is it that NO ONE can explain how notification makes officers safer? Unless law enforcement groups can explain logically how this law makes them safer, leaving it on the books shouldn't even be considered.

    The TRUE purpose of notification is to make it more difficult for a law-abiding citizen to legally carry a gun for self-defense. Why else would they fight so hard for something they can't explain? Their track record speaks for itself; they have never supported expanding our freedoms, NEVER.

    Yet, they have no problem with their continuing efforts to expand their own rights, right they refuse to allow we normal citizens. Carrying into CPZs and Drinking while armed are two the come to mind quickly.

    OFCC urges everyone to contact Rep. Wiggam:
    Phone (614) 466-1474

    Or contact House Federalism and Interstate Committee Chairman Kristina Roegner:
    Phone at (614) 466-1177

    Urge them to adapt, vote and pass HB 142 IN ITS ORIGINAL LANGUAGE!
    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2004
    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Contact the nra and tell them how you feel about HB142
    The NRA changed HB142 and now it stinks,,..... tell them
    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Cincinnati, Ohio
    Duty to retreat, burden of proof etc.

    Feb. 2018 update if this passes then the Senate needs to pass it, then the Gov. needs to sign.
    There is some concern that Kasich won't sign when it gets to him..
    They do have a majority and could override him if it goes that far and they are motivated enough.

    I am probably going to Columbus for this on the 13th

    House Bill 228

    The third hearing on this bill is scheduled for next Tuesday.
    Following is from my email:
    COMMITTEE: The House Committee on Federalism and Interstate Relations
    CHAIR: Kristina D. Roegner
    DATE: February 13th, 2018
    ROOM: Statehouse Room 115
    TIME: 4:00PM

    They are accepting ALL testimony, and written testimony may be submitted by emailing the committee chair at:<>;
    Last edited by Pops Fun; 02-09-2018 at 04:08 AM.
    "Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't need it and hell where they already have it."
    -Ronald Reagan

    Steve owner of a blown '94 Vert.

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