But the Biden administration and their minions the MS media were touting only 3.6% unemployment just last week. Funny how 3 years ago with low employment numbers we had an abundance. Yet today with a proclaimed low 3.6% unemployment we can't find any workers. Illegals are coming across the borders by the thousands but yet we have no one to work.

You go from 1.85 to 4.49 by stopping pipeline building production, massively reducing oil production, stopping fracking and shutting down access of existing pipelines via executive orders everywhere you can. You then attempt to negotiate again with the middle east for oil while Russia is attempting to overthrow Ukraine. There are millions of barrels waiting to be produced already pumped out of the ground here locally in the US. They cannot get the product to the refineries because of the pipeline squeeze Biden executive orders have placed on the nations oil industry and pipeline systems.

This is the movement involving the GREEN NEW DEAL whackos being kissed up to by Joe Biden's admin. The 3 key groups are known as Sunrise Movement, Justice Democrats, and New Consensus. Each are extreme radical leftist socialistic organizations.